Teaching Resume


Details of my Teaching Experience are here.

Lead Facilitator in First-Year Chemistry Mastery Workshops for CHEM1031/CHEM1051, 2019-

Working with Scott Kable, Kim Lapere and Luke Hunter, led the development and was lead facilitator for new weekly workshops for CHEM1031/CHEM1051 at UNSW, which involved:

  • Icebreaker and Tweeting Best Chemistry Discovery

  • 4 weeks of Computational Chemistry to support First Year Lecture content

Developed Write Your Own Hartree-Fock guided lab / workshop, 2018-

  • First run December 2018 at QUACCS for two groups of 5-8 students for 3 hrs

  • Adapted to 2 week of 3 hrs each lab CHEM3011

Developed workshop with variable length aimed at teaching third-year to PhD students the basics of basis sets, 2018-

  • First run December 2018 at QUACCS for two groups of 5-8 students for 3 hrs

  • Adapted to 2 hr workshop format CHEM3011

Developed new set of 6-7 lectures on Foundations of Quantum Chemistry for a third-year Chemistry course, 2018-

Coordinator of Original Research By Young Twinkle Students (ORBYTS) Program, 2016- 2017.

Recruited two new schools to the program, recruited PhD student supervisors, oversaw their project teams, arranged financing applications through SpaceLink and Highgate School, and supervising my team.

Group Lead, ORBYTS, 2016-2017

Course Coordinator and Co-Developer Phys FilmMakers

FilmMakers teaches small groups of students how to make YouTube style videos, 2016-2017

Recognition, Certification:

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (conferred 3rd March 2017)

I was commended for:

  • Your outreach activities

  • Your understanding that engaging students in disciplinary research early is important for their understanding of the subject area and the development of higher orders of learning

  • Your iterative approach to improving your practice through taking feedback from students and peers

  • Your innovative Physics Film makers scheme and your endeavours to publish your findings in educational journals

Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (conferred 3rd March 2017)

My earlier application for Associate Fellow: I was commended for (1) ”A wide range of experience for an Associate Fellow application”, (2) ”Your willingness to empathise with the students (eg final item of section 2 ’I have been a student’!) and adjust your practice (eg reducing content for the sake of learning)” and (3) ”Extensive engagement with scholarship about teaching”.

Other Selected Experiences

Presented at “UCL Teaching and Learning Conference”, UCL, April 2016.

Attended “UCL Teaching and Learning Conference”, UCL, April 2015.

Formative Assessment Construction and Marking, Practical Mathematica, UCL, 2016.

Teaching Fellowship, Department of Chemistry, ANU 2012-13. Duties including lecturing, tutoring, marking and lab supervision.

Lecturer, 1 lecture for 1st Year Course in Practical Mathematica, UCL, 2015. Bridging Course for Chemistry, ANU 2013-14.

Workshop Leader, 2nd Year Course in Spectroscopy and Group Theory, ANU 2013.

Tutor, 1st Year Course in Practical Mathematica, UCL 2015. 2nd Year Course in Spectroscopy and Group Theory, ANU 2013. 1st Year Chemistry, ANU 2012. 1st Year Matlab for Engineers, USyd 2010.

Laboratory Supervisor, 2nd Year Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, ANU 2012. 1st Year Chemistry, ANU 2011 and USyd 2010.

Preparation of Tutorial Questions, 1st Year Matlab for Engineers, USyd 2010. Summer School Leader, National Computing Summer School, USyd, 2008, 2009 Completed the ANU’s Graduate Teaching Program with Merit, 2011.

Completed the Teaching and Demonstrator Development Program at USyd, 2010.