
Invited Talks

  • "Quantifying Born Oppenheimer breakdown through entanglement of adiabatic electronic states: a study of the nature of coupled rovibronic states in diatomics.", Pacifichem (Postponed until Dec 2021).

  • "Chemists supporting astronomy: what are molecular spectroscopic line lists, how are they made and why are they crucial.", Pacifichem (Postponed until Dec 2021)

  • "Computational Molecular Spectroscopy across the Electromagnetic Spectra: Methods and Applications", East Asian Workshop on Chemical Dynamics, Adelaide, Australia, Dec 2019. (slides available)

  • "A Challenge for Quantum Chemistry: Spectroscopic Accuracy for TiO Rovibronic Spectroscopy", Asian-Pacific Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists (APATCC-9), Sydney, Oct 2019. (slides available)

  • "Musings of a Lecturer: 13 months in", Working Group 4 Workshop: Digital Exoplanets, Prague, Czech Republic, Jan 2019. [Fully funded]

  • "RmatReact: Novel Theoretical Methodology to Investigate Ultra-cold Atom-Molecule Collisions such as H+ + H2 over Deep Potential Wells", Royal Society of Chemistry meeting: Advances in Hydrogen Molecular Ions: H3+, H5+ and beyond, London, UK, Jan 2019. [Fully funded]

  • "Accurately modelling rovibronic spectroscopy of transition metal diatomics such as TiO for astronomy applications", 13th Asian International Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Physics, Mumbai, India, Dec 2018.

  • "Defining the McKemmish Group", East Asian Workshop on Chemical Dynamics, Seoul, South Korea, Oct 2018. [Partially funded]

  • "Hot Jupiters and Cool Stars Beware: A New TiO linelist is here", Spectroscopy of Exoplanets Conference, Windsor, UK, July 2018

  • “SETIMol: The most effective way of sending a knock-knock joke into space”, at the UK SETI Research Network meeting, Leeds, UK, Sep 2015.

  • “Electron transfer, biological phonon condensates, and the ‘Quantum Consciousness’ hypothesis” at the American Chemical Society meeting (ACS), New Orleans, US, April 2013, in honour of the award to Prof. Noel Hush.

Invited Webinar Presentations

  • Astrochemistry Discussion Webinar Series, Oct 2020 (video here)

Invited Workshop Presentations

  • "Hands-on MARVEL demonstration", Working Group 4 Workshop: Digital Exoplanets, Prague, Czech Republic, Jan 2019.

  • "Quantum and Computational Chemistry Student Conference", Kiola, NSW, Dec 2018.

Invited Speaker

  • "Molecular Spectral Data for Astronomy", Curtin University, November 12th 2020. [online]

  • University of Adelaide, March 4th 2019. [Partially funded]

  • Fringe Festival Lecture, Flinders University, Adelaide, March 1st 2019. [Fully funded]

  • "Recent and Future Developments in Planetary Science" by the Institute of Physics London & South-East Branch, Retired Members Section, held at the Royal Astronomical Society, London on 12th July 2017

  • “Characterising Exoplanets with a Twinkle satellite, researchers and school students” at the Cambridge University Astronomy Society in November 2016

Selected Conference Talks

  • "RmatReact: Developing Novel Theoretical Methodology to Investigate Ultra-cold Atom-Molecule Collisions over Deep Potential Wells"

      • Bristol, UK, 7-8th Sep 2017

      • Quantum Reactive Scattering Conference, Trieste, Italy, July 2016

  • “Theoretical Spectroscopy of VO” at the Spectroscopy of Exoplanets conference, Windsor, July 2015.

  • “What you need to know to use the ExoMol Line Lists” at Pathways Towards Habitable Exoplanets, Bern, July 2015 and at the UCL Planetary Science Annual Meeting, London, June 2015.

  • “ExoMol: Transition Metal Diatomics” at the Royal Astronomy Society and Royal Society of Chemistry, Combined Astrochemistry Conference, London, UK, Jan 2015.

  • “Electron transfer, biological phonon condensates, and the ‘Quantum Consciousness’ hypothesis” and “Reducing computational chemistry calculation times using a new type of basis function” at the American Chemical Society meeting (ACS), New Orleans, US, April 2013.

  • “Understanding the Lego Blocks of Computational Chemistry” at RACI PhysChem Student Conference, Blue Mountains, Australia, Sep 2012.

  • “Diagnostics of Orbital Quality” at 5th Asian Pacific Conference of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Rotorua, New Zealand, Dec 2011.

  • “Rational Molecular Design for Frequency-based Quantum Computers”, Wollongong, Australia, Dec 2011.

      • Awarded Highly Commended Talk for Early Career Researcher

  • “Frequency-based Quantum Computing”, Pacifichem (ACS meeting) Honolulu, US, Dec 2010.

Selected Poster Presentations

  • WATOC, August 2017

  • “Theoretical Spectroscopy of Vanadium Monoxide” and “Ab Initio Spectroscopy of Transition Metal Diatomics” at “High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy” conference, Dijon, August, 2015.

Selected University Seminars

  • University of Newcastle, May 2019

  • University of Melbourne, October 2018: "Accurately modelling rovibronic spectroscopy of transition metal diatomics like TiO.".