Cautionary points on weather and clothing

   On the day of the Anomaly, we will be outdoors during the game. Please wear appropriate clothing and make sure you are in good physical condition so you can enjoy the Anomaly!

Weather conditions in Kobe around September 16th

   The average temperature in Kobe in September is 28 oC (82.4 oF). September is cooler than August in Kobe, but some days can be hot and the sunshine can be harsh.
    We can potentially have many typhoons in September. Please check weather reports frequently, and safety first, when the weather conditions are not good.
  Important point : Please pray that the typhoon will not come just before the Anomaly!

Recommended clothing

   In the daytime, we recommend you to wear summer clothes such as a short sleeve shirt. Please wear a hat and use sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun.
  It's a good idea to have a hoodie or cardigan because it may get cold at night.
  The mountain side of Kobe city is has many steep hills, so please wear comfortable shoes.

Don't forget to hydrate frequently!

   You will physically extend yourself during the Anomaly.
  High temperatures may cause mild dehydration. We strongly recommend you to bring water and stay well hydrated.

Be in good shape, wear comfortable clothes and enjoy the Anomaly!