Emergency Contact Card

   For field agents, prepare the Emergency Contact Card and note your shelter in advance, in case of an emergency.

1️⃣ What is an Emergency Contact Card

   The Emergency Contact Card is prepared to help agents in an emergency. It has fields to write your real name, chronic disease, emergency contact. Personal information is not to be seen except for an emergency, and it can also be acknowledged as an emergency card by non-agents (non Ingress players).

2️⃣ What to write in the card

   The card is designed to allow immediate action in case of an emergency, to let the concerned person know your real name, contact and any underlying conditions.
  It is also recommended to staple a copy of your insurance policy inside.

   We believe you are capable of managing your own health.  No matter how careful you are, there is a possibility of getting injured or being ill. In most cases, your teammates may only know your agent name —- being well prepared means less worries!

🔽 Download

   The card can be downloaded from the picture below, or click the text link below.

3️⃣ How to register the medical ID

   Another way for preparation is to register the emergency contact or medical ID in your phone.

iPhone  : Set the medical ID on healthcare app in iPhone
▶︎ https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT207021

Android :  Put your emergency information on the Android lock screen! Write your medical info in case of an emergency.
▶︎ https://techwiser.com/how-to-add-and-access-emergency-contact-on-android-lock-screen/