Wonders of the immortal vine to reduce the mortality of kidneys

Who knew a wild plant growing on its own in our surroundings could be beneficial for our kidneys, right? Sphaeranthus indicus and Cuscuta reflexa are the two plants that are beneficial for our health and grows in our surroundings. These botanicals are known as Gorakhmundi and Amarbel in Hindi. In this blog, we will discuss about the immortal vine that is a certified Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure. We will be discussing categorically how beneficial it is to reduce the mortality of kidneys. It is a parasitic plant that rests on the trees and plants in the surroundings. The roots of this plant are a hard task to find and maybe for the same, it is known as the Rootless plant. However, identifying this specific plant is not as difficult as finding the roots; the plant doesn’t have leaves around and bear flowers of light colors.

Because it grows prolifically and appears as inter-twined, it is known also known as the devil’s hair. The source of nutrition to this plant is the host plant only and which is why it becomes hard to find the roots. It is a powerful plant that can potentially kill the plant it is taking support from after it has grown widely. Seeing the activities of this plant, we all must have heard stories like it is a venomous plant and we should not touch it in our childhood. But as per the great Ayurvedacharya and kidney experts, Cuscuta reflexa or an immortal vine is a beneficial plant that acts as an Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure. It is also recommended that if you find this plant growing in your surroundings and you plan to consume it after knowing the benefits, just do not. Because only the specific and limited amount of consumption would be beneficial for you that only a kidney expert can tell.

Kidneys are the sensitive organs that possess a lot of workload from blood filtration to urine production, the pair of organs does it all. Ayurveda is a vast term that only the certified Ayurvedacharya can prescribe the medicine and not the common man. To understand the vitality of Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure, it is important to know if the effects are going to be malefic. Since ancient times, the people of India have been using Amarbel or immortal vine to treat the problems of jaundice, muscle pain, urinary disorders, and for the process of blood purification. By now we all are aware of the fact that kidneys are the pair of organs that filter gallons of blood every day. Consumption of Amarbel in different forms helps in relieving the kidney problems like high blood pressure, infection, swelling, fluid retention, and helps in dealing with the effects of diabetes on kidneys.

High blood pressure and diabetes are the two main causes of kidney diseases that damage the millions of nephrons and the Glomerulus present within those nephrons. The damaged or inflamed nephrons affects the overall functioning of kidneys. They neither support the filtration process, not the urine production. Other functions of kidneys also get affected by this type of kidney failure, such as maintaining bone health, adequate blood flow, helping the digestion process intact, and releasing hormones that are necessary for the functioning of thyroid glands, muscles, and the heart. The right amount of Amarbel, an Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure can help in the recovery of the failed renal system naturally.

But again, it is important to consume it only when an Ayurvedacharya prescribes. Kidney failure is a crucial medical condition that cannot be rectified by practicing self-made remedies. It acquires medical attention that can revive the lost functioning. Karma Ayurveda is an Ayurvedic institute that is serving its facilities to kidney failure patients since 1937 with a modern approach. The Ayurvedic medicines for kidney failure prescribed are available at the institution itself so that you don’t have to hustle to buy them. Here, our Ayurvedacharya is Dr. Puneet Dhawan (a certified nephrologist and an alumni of Delhi University) and he is providing Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment to replace all the artificial procedures of kidney disease treatment. You will be treated with all the natural procedures and would be drawn out of the protocols of dialysis and kidney transplant within a short span. You will require to invest your trust and dedication throughout the procedure of treatment and consume the Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure as per the prescription.