Can a kidney failure patient survive the effect of coronavirus?

The progression of coronavirus is visible globally. We all are taking our best interest to protect ourselves by quarantining and distancing socially. For a normal or healthy person, the precautions might be less compared to an unhealthy or diseased patient. By now, we have heard a lot of things from washing hands to maintaining a distance and not being physically social at all. Has anybody thought about the effect of COVID-19 on kidney patients? We may have escaped doing so. Kidney patients tend to have lower levels of immunity and so they stand the higher chances of getting affected with coronavirus easily. The coronavirus infection affects swiftly that it may lead the diseased kidney to face the condition of acute kidney failure. However, with the help of Ayurvedic kidney failure treatment; you can prevent this loss and increase the immune power naturally.

Patients who are undergoing the process of dialysis tops the chart stating the risk to particular people of getting caught in the web of coronavirus. It is said that people who have low fighting power to combat diseases have the highest casualty because of COVID-19. Kidney patients that are especially on dialysis, need to find an alternative solution for their renal disorders. Recently, the second death in India was of a 69-year-old lady who was battling with the problems of high blood pressure and diabetes (major causes of kidney diseases). She lost her battle because of the low immune power. In this piece of content, we will discuss about the food options to increase the immunity power and precautions to be followed necessarily.

Food options to increase the immune power, according to the experts providing Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure:

Include more vitamin C rich foods: We understand the dilemma of choosing citrus fruits and vegetables as they are restricted during the Ayurvedic treatment for kidney diseases but you can consume a specified amount of such foods after discussing it with your healthcare provider. Vitamin C enriched fruits are kiwi, oranges, limes, lemons and guava. Vitamin C is best known for the removal of free radicals in the body, improving the iron absorption in the body, and is a mandatory nutrient to make collagen.

  • Include garlic in your diet: Best known for enhancing the flavors, garlic also helps in reducing the problem of high blood pressure and management of keeping the blood clot-free.

  • Ginger: Ginger is a tasty element that we Indians use in different foods and tea. But is it the only quality that makes it an essential part of the diet to boost immune power in the body? No, ginger has shown proven results in reducing the risks of inflammation and rectifying the damage done because of vasculitis.

  • Spinach: It is a green leafy vegetable that is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. It is also rich in beta carotene that is best known for fighting the infection-causing cells and boosting the workings of the immunity system.

  • Turmeric: Turmeric is the holy spice of India that has been healing mankind since ancient times. According to the Ayurvedic kidney failure treatment, turmeric has got anti-inflammatory properties protecting the healthy cells and promoting the immune power naturally.

Basic precautions and guidelines that are necessary for patients suffering from kidney failure:

  • Wash your hands every now and then.

  • Wear an NMT 5 mask while stepping out.

  • Distance yourself socially from infected people.

  • Sanitize your surroundings four to five times a day with alcohol-based sanitizers and sprays.

  • Isolate yourself if you have someone in your surroundings dealing with cold, cough and flu.

  • Try to escape the procedure of dialysis and kidney transplant conducting at hospitals and follow the Ayurvedic kidney failure treatment.

  • Avoid visiting patients at hospitals, as these days getting infections from there has become much easier.

  • Cover your mouth with a tissue while sneezing and coughing and throw the used tissue or use your flexed elbow.

  • Avoid touching your face, mouth, and eyes.

  • Give your clothes a dip in water mixed with Dettol or similar antiseptic liquid after washing with detergent.

So, this was about the Ayurvedic kidney failure treatment management at the time of the pandemic coronavirus situation. If you want to know more, you can reach out to the advice of experts right after this click.