What is a urine protein (albumin) test?

It is a blood and urine test that looks for the presence of albumin in the urine. Albumin is the type of protein that is usually found in the blood. Protein is required by the body to perform its regular functions. Protein is the crucial element that helps your body to build muscles, repair the tissue, and fight from all infections. But its right place in the blood not in your urine. If its amount in your urine is more than usual, then you may need Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria to reduce them.

How urine and blood test are done?

Simple blood and urine test can be done by the lab technician. You will be asked by the lab technician to pee into a clean cup called a “specimen cup” during the urine test. For the blood test, the lab technician will take the blood sample, and collect them in a small test tube. Some of the urine is tested right away with a dipstick. The dipstick is a thin plastic strip that is placed in the urine and the rest is examined under a microscope.

Why protein in urine means something suspicious?

One of the main and the crucial job of the kidneys is to filter the blood, but when the kidneys are unhealthy, they are not able to execute the functions fluently and also not able to hold the necessary things like protein in the blood and leaks them in the urine. They filter the wastes and the excess fluids that are not required by your body. Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria can help your kidneys in performing their functions fluently and also help them to hold the protein in the blood. We are constantly using the word Proteinuria. Having protein in your urine is known as “albuminuria” or “proteinuria.”

Does having albuminuria means the occurrence of kidney disease?

There are several types of research that state that proteinuria or albuminuria is the sign of having kidney disease. But your doctor will also check you again to make sure the other secondary causes of the albuminuria, like not drinking enough water. If your doctor suspects that you have kidney disease, then they may suggest urine and protein tests for the level of albumin and its frequency will be repeated. Three positive results over three months or more is a sign of kidney disease and for the management of this health condition, you may need to get Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria.

You will also be advised to have a simple blood test to estimate GFR. GFR means glomerular filtration rate. The GFR number will tell you about how well your kidneys are working.

Other tests that your doctor may prescribe are:

  • Imaging tests – Imaging tests like ultrasound or CT scans are some of the tests that may be prescribed by the doctors. The pictures of the kidneys and urinary tracts can show the presence of kidney stones or other problems.

  • A kidney biopsy – It involves a surgical procedure that can find out the real cause of the kidney disease and how much damage to the kidneys has happened.

After the confirmation, you may need to get the Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria as soon as possible to cure this disorder.

Who are at the risk of having this disorder?

People who are at a higher risk of having kidney disease need to get regular testing and routine check-up. If any individual is facing any of the condition that is mentioned below, then they need the test regularly:

  • Individuals with diabetes and high blood pressure.

  • Family history of kidney failure

  • Individuals who are 65 years or older

  • Having other chronic diseases

Having albuminuria means you need specific kidney treatment

If kidney disease is confirmed, then your health care provider will create a proper treatment plan for you. It is always a better option to talk to any Ayurvedacharya as they can provide specific and the most reliable treatment for your kidneys. Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria includes:

  • Herbal Medicines

  • Changes in your diet is a great option

  • Lifestyle changes such as losing extra pounds, exercising, and quitting Wapping.

If you want more precise treatment, then you should contact Karma Ayurveda as they can help you in managing this health condition naturally.