How is Ayurvedic treatment the best cure for proteinuria?

Proteinuria is a health condition in which a high amount of protein leakage from the blood to the urine takes place. It’s not a disease in itself but proteinuria is mainly a primary sign of any kidney disease or poor functionality of the kidneys. Sometimes proteinuria may take place due to excess protein consumption, stress, strenuous exercises, high fever, etc. In such a condition, the protein leakage occurs temporarily and gets cured with the treatment of the main cause. But if you are noticing protein leakage for a long time, it means there is something wrong with your kidneys and hence you need an eminent Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria in this condition.

Symptoms of proteinuria

If you are dealing with the condition of excess protein leakage in your urine then you may notice some symptoms. Some of them are:

  • Foamy or frothy urine

  • Swelling on face

  • Unusual weight loss

  • Weakness

When you notice these symptoms, consult an expert doctor immediately. While Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria cures this condition naturally.

How proteinuria can be detected?

If it comes to the diagnosis of proteinuria, it’s hard to detect based on foamy or bubbly urine. Hence, your doctor conducts some lab tests to determine the amount of protein leaking out into your urine. The lab tests used for the diagnosis of proteinuria are Urinalysis, Blood tests, and Biopsy sometimes.

Primarily, urine tests are conducted in the condition of proteinuria which helps in detecting the amount of protein present in the urine. On the other hand, blood tests are used to determine the level of protein (albumin) in the blood. The combination of these tests can detect if your urine has an excess amount of protein. If you have a high amount of protein in your urine then you should go for the best treatment for proteinuria.

What is the best proteinuria treatment?

Proteinuria can be cured efficiently by taking the help of Ayurvedic treatment. Ayurvedic treatment follows a natural healing process that aims to cure disease naturally. Ayurveda has a basic working tendency in which it works on the deep causes of a disease so that to offer permanent relief from its complications. In proteinuria condition, proteinuria ayurvedic treatment follows the same principle and thus first it addresses the exact cause of protein leakage and then offers treatment accordingly.

Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria uses some natural herbs, few conventional therapies, and some lifestyle modification to cure the condition naturally. This combination works on fixing the root causes and simultaneously relieves the complications. Besides, this herbal treatment also stimulates the functionality of the kidneys and makes them well-working again. On the other hand, if you choose Allopathic treatment then this treatment works to eliminate the complications of a disease instead of working on its root causes. As a result, this treatment suppresses the complications of disease for some time but the patient starts noticing the complications again if he leaves the treatment. Thus, this treatment doesn’t offer a permanent cure.

Based on these facts, you can say that Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria is a natural cure for this condition which cures this disease permanently without leaving any after-use effects on the health. To acquire the best Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria, search for a reliable Ayurvedic kidney hospital or an expert doctor. This is how you can get relieved from your complications naturally.