Is Ayurvedic treatment the best option to cure polycystic kidney disease?

Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disease in which numerous cysts grow in some of the body organs including kidneys, heart, liver, and pancreas. But primarily these cysts affect kidneys. Initially, one or two cysts appear in kidneys and with the passing time, the number, as well as the size of the cysts, get increased. These fluid-filled cysts are different from cancerous cysts but it doesn’t mean these cysts are not harmful. When the condition turns severe, these cysts may occur in other body organs as well. These cysts grow continuously and when they grow larger, they damage the tissue of the kidneys and enlarge abdomen by increasing the size of the kidneys. Sometimes, these cysts can grow in the brains as well. Early diagnosis and proper treatment are must to defeat this condition; as in the absence of proper treatment, it may lead to kidney failure. In fact, polycystic kidney disease is counted among the major causes of kidney failure.

Causes of Polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidney disease mainly occurs due to the genetic abnormalities that pass from the parents to their child through gene mutation; sometimes one while both parents can be responsible for this disease to take place. In some rare cases, a patient having severe kidney disease may also develop kidney cysts. The complications of the disease may be severe; high blood pressure, heart problems, and chronic pain sometimes.

Key Signs of Polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidney disease doesn’t cause any symptoms to take place when the cysts are significantly small. But as the disease progresses to their advanced stages, a PKD patient may start many symptoms; hypertension, Urinary tract infection, Increased abdomen size, back pain, increased urge to urinate, and many more.

Diagnosis of Polycystic kidney disease

If you reach a kidney expert doctor with these symptoms, you are suggested to undergo some lab tests to detect cysts in your kidneys. Renal Ultrasound is the most primary test to detect cysts in the kidneys. But this test may miss the small cysts, in that case, other screening tests such as CT Scan and MRI are taken into use. These tests provide the pictures of the internal part of the kidneys that help your doctor in detecting cysts. If your tests’ reports show abnormal factor then it means your kidneys are near to fail and hence you need immediate and proper treatment. Polycystic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda is the most efficient way to cure this condition naturally.

The most effective treatment method to cure PKD

If you are diagnosed with PKD then there are several treatment methods available to cure this condition but most of them fail.

Allopathic treatment is a modern treatment method that uses dialysis and eventually kidney transplant to suppress and manage the condition. This treatment system has a limitation as it can only slow down the cysts' growth rate but can’t cure them completely. So it can’t be chosen as the best polycystic kidney disease treatment. In addition, it can also leave many health consequences.

On the other hand, Ayurveda is a way more effective treatment system to cure PKD naturally. Ayurveda is a natural healing therapy that aims to establish a harmony between the body and nature. With such kind of practice, this treatment stimulates the body’s natural functionality and self-healing property. In PKD, this treatment reverses the cysts growth and makes kidneys cysts free eventually. In this process, polycystic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda uses some sacred herbs, traditional therapies, and a few lifestyle modifications. With the combination of these practices, Ayurvedic treatment helps in relieving complications related to PKD and eliminates the cysts naturally. Along with that, this treatment revives the health of the kidneys and makes your kidneys healthier again.

If you or any of the people in your known have polycystic kidney disease then find out for an eminent Ayurvedic kidney hospital for getting the best polycystic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda that provides a permanent and side-effect free solution.