Eminent Tips to Prevent Kidney Failure

There was a time when cancer used to be the most life-threatening condition but today kidney failure is also running marathons along with some major health issues that are affecting people all around the globe. Kidney failure treatment is a secondary thing when you can prevent the loss primarily. Reportedly, 20% of the entire population is just struggling with kidney failure and this rate is increasing with time and the condition is getting worse. Estimation says that the risk of kidney failure is higher in countries that are developing like India. This is because such countries have a huge elderly population. Even the developed countries with highly equipped measures and hospitals are bound to spend almost 5% of their healthcare budget only on kidney failure treatment. Now, you can imagine how fatal this damage could be.

Kidney failure is the medical condition of kidneys defined by its malfunctioning and inability to perform their basic functions such as filtration of waste. The division of kidney failure is done broadly as acute kidney failure and chronic kidney failure. These are the states of a sudden and gradual loss of kidneys’ functioning respectively. Once kidney failure is diagnosed, kidney failure treatment becomes the primary need but there are few measures that can help you in the prevention of kidney deterioration. Taking healthy and good care of three aspects of life can be a helping hand. These aspects are the lifestyle we follow, the physical regime we have, and what we are doing for the health of our internal disturbances.

Diabetes and high blood pressure are the two major causes that lead to kidney failure. Therefore, most of the prevention tips revolve around taking care of these two conditions.

Prevention tips for kidney failure

A good day starts with a good exercise routine, so let us start the tips list with regular exercise.

Exercise is important

Exercise is one such tip that follows you even through the guidelines of kidney failure treatment. Doing regular exercise helps in keeping the body fit and strong. No doubt, they assist in the maintenance of a good weight but what else favor can exercise do to you in the process of prevention of kidney failure? As exercise manages the condition of high blood pressure and diabetes, it can efficiently prevent kidneys’ deterioration. In case you are already suffering from kidney disease you can go with some light exercises such as a small walk and some yoga. This will help you to manage good health even in the condition of kidney failure.

Making some good lifestyle changes

Good lifestyle changes mean timely eating, healthy eating, staying away from bad habits like drinking and smoking, and many other good things. When a person consumes alcohol it results in an elevation of blood pressure in the body and the extra calories then obtained can make a person gain weight. Similarly, smoking cigarettes reduces the flow of blood to the kidneys and it can brutally damage the functionaries of kidneys even if you have any kidney disease or not. The guidelines of kidney failure treatment suggest the quitting of these two life-threatening habits for the better care of the organ.

Additionally, keep in mind that the consumption of untimely medicines is as bad as the intake of alcohol and cigarettes. The habit of drug abuse can prevent the blood to reach to the kidneys and can harm them badly. Furthermore, try to live a stress-free life because stress can earn you hypertension, and obviously that is not something you would ever want.

A good diet and fluid intake

The habit of dehydrating the body because of any possible reason was never a good idea. Dehydration does not only obstruct the kidneys from performing but they can cause damage to many other crucial organs of the body. Kidney requires a good amount of water to conduct their functions otherwise lack of water in the body could decrease the flow of blood to the kidneys. A doctor could suggest to you the right amount of water required by your body. Generally, you are good with the three liters of water a day.

Kidney failure treatment suggests the low consumption of food high in sodium. However, a normal healthy human being should also consume food with low sodium as too much salt can result in high blood pressure. Along with a low sodium diet, one should also concentrate on eating a heart-healthy diet. These types of diets are low in sugar and cholesterol and are a high source of fiber.

Maintenance of a healthy weight

Along with diabetes and high blood pressure, the third factor that could turn your kidneys ill is obesity. Furthermore, obesity can increase the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes which is why it is more than necessary to maintain a good and healthy weight.

Managing sugar level and blood pressure

This is going to be the most important section of this tips list. As we know diabetes and high blood pressure are the two major reasons that are widely affecting the kidneys’ health. Diabetes and high blood pressure do not only threaten your kidneys but it is fatal for the health of your heart as well. Even the kidney failure treatment aims towards the betterment of these two conditions.


You might not know but one bad habit or carelessness towards the health can push you one step closer to the loss. Therefore, prevent those major losses of kidneys by following these tips wholeheartedly.