Introduction to kidney disease

Kidneys, an organ that needs no introduction. Among the web of organs carrying out different functions, kidneys have their own significance. They are located on the lower side of the rib cage with one kidney on each side of the spine.

For the conduction of a healthy life and a healthy body, the proper functioning of the kidney is very crucial. The vital function of the kidneys for which it is also called the filtration bag of the body is that it is responsible for the filtration of waste along with the toxins and extra water in the body. The pathway of these wastes is the ureter, bladder and then the urethra from where it is expelled out of the body through the process of urination. Alongside, kidneys have many other significant functions under them such as regulation of salt, potassium, and pH levels inside a human body. In addition, functions like regulation of RBC producing hormones, control over RBC generation, activation of vitamin D in the body for the absorption of calcium is also what kidneys take care of.

The effect of kidney disease can be seen on millions of people all around the globe. Kidney disease occurs when certain reasons do not let the kidneys perform their function properly. This damage might be the result of diabetes and hypertension as they are the two major reasons for kidney deterioration. Also, some chronic health conditions result in kidney disease. Ayurvedic kidney disease in the betterment of any such chronic disorder.

The time of today is the modern time of techniques. It is a world moving with the speed of light where everyone is running a marathon of stability. In this race, humans are gradually forgetting about the importance of stability of their health. Kidney disease is becoming very common with the passing of time. This unseen competition is leaving people with no time to give and spend on their well-being and health. They are continuously earning but taking poor care of their body.

Due to the unhealthy lifestyle of the population, diabetes and high blood pressure is nothing new to them. However, they are unaware of the fact that these two will result in the tarnishing of their kidneys’ health and cause kidney disease. Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment suggests taking care of the level of sugar in the blood in order to bring the health of the kidneys in the right place.

Apart from high blood pressure and diabetes, there are some other factors that might give you kidney disease. Factors such as the family history of kidney disease, being in the elderly age, and being related to some specific race might result in kidney disease.

Long term outlook of kidney disease

Kidney disease is nothing like a cough or fever that goes away after it is being diagnosed. There is one significant way in which one can attain a good kidneys’ health. This is the acceptance of a healthy lifestyle and certain alteration in the routine as mentioned in the Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment. Kidney disease can be life-threatening and it turns fatal and worst with the passage of time. However, Ayurveda is a holistic manner of treating and preventing all these damages in the best natural way possible.

As per the guidelines of allopathic methods of treatment, dialysis and kidney transplant could be a help. Dialysis is just an artificial supplement to your failed kidneys that performs the filtration process when kidneys could not do it any further. A kidney transplant comes with no guarantee that it will be a success. Moreover, this is a very painful process. But if you just go for the Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment you could prevent yourself from all these hassles of artificial procedures.

Kidney disease and Ayurveda

As per the guidelines of Ayurveda, the human body is made up of three major elements, the mind, the body, and the soul. To keep this body fit and healthy, it is necessary to keep all these elements in proper alignment. The therapeutic herbs of Ayurveda help the body in the maintenance of these elements and prevent the body against many deadly conditions. Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment suggests that consuming a good renal friendly diet means crossing the 50% of hurdle that comes in the way of the treatment.

A good diet-friendly to kidneys will help the weak kidney to perform better and with time it will bring the functioning ability back to the normal. The herbs (medicines of Ayurveda) with its medicinal and therapeutic quality helps in the betterment of kidney damage from the core and rejuvenate the deteriorated cells. Some healthy guidelines for Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment are comprehensive of these measures:

  • Get control over your diabetes.

  • Do not consume food rich in high cholesterol.

  • Do not consume a high amount of sodium.

  • Do not consume alcohol.

  • Do not smoke.

These are some of the widely known preventive measures that will help you for good.