Orlando, FL

Making literature alive using Project Learning Bicycle in Pre-AP Classroom

Program Description. The 21st Century Skills movement, along with a new AP framework, has brought significant changes on classroom practices. To enhance students’ communication, creativity, critical thinking, technology, and leadership skills, the presenters adopted the 21st Century Project Learning Bicycle model to design and implement an innovative drama project in the pre-AP Japanese language classroom. This drama project integrates and interconnects themes. The students will appreciate the aesthetics of reading a historical novel (Beauty and Aesthetics), compare and contrast traditional and contemporary life styles (Contemporary life), and explore human moods, thoughts, and ideas beyond one’s culture and society (Personality and Pubic Identities). The students collaboratively recreate or invent a drama with meaningful messages to the audience. The presenters describe how the drama project utilizes the 21st Century Project Learning Bicycle model and its actual impact on students’ learning. They also share a variety of hand-on activities that are instantly usable in class.

Masuyama, K. and Avello, M. "Making literature alive using Project Learning Bicycle in Pre-AP Classroom." K & M Japanese Learning and Teaching., 22 Nov. 2013. Web. 12 Dec. 2013 (<- example: download date).

2013-PRESENTATION-Making literature alive .pdf

PRESENTATION-Making literature alive ACTFL2013.pptx

2013-HO-Making literature alive ACTFL2013.pdf

HANDOUT-Making literature alive ACTFL2013

Student and Teacher Project wheels

2013-HO-kimono diagram.pdf

Kimono Diagram


Assessment Rubric