Learning Environment

Standard 4 - Learning Environment – The competent teacher structures a safe and healthy learning environment that facilitates cultural and linguistic responsiveness, emotional well-being, self-efficacy, positive social interaction, mutual respect, active engagement, academic risk-taking, self-motivation, and personal goal-setting. 

Behavior Intervention Plans

Behavior intervention plans (BIPs) are instrumental in maintaining a safe and conducive learning environment by addressing challenging behaviors effectively.  They emphasize 4G knows strategies to implement behavior management and behavior intervention planning to ensure a safe and productive learning environment. I collaborate with the BCBA to have my staff understand each students' behavior intervention plans.  BIPs that include proactive strategies (preventative measures), reactive strategies (response to behaviors), teaching replacement behaviors, and crisis management protocols. They incorporate evidence-based strategies such as positive behavior supports (PBS), differential reinforcement, functional communication training (FCT), token economies, and visual supports into the BIP. 

Token Boards

I use token boards as a visual tools used to reinforce positive behaviors by providing tokens (e.g., stickers, stars, tokens) as immediate rewards for desired actions or behaviors. This emphasizes 4O uses a variety of effective behavioral management techniques appropriate to the needs of all students that include positive behavior interventions and supports. Tokens are earned on the board are exchanged for a larger reward or privilege once a predetermined number of tokens is collected, promoting positive reinforcement and motivation. This form of positive reinforcement, encouraging students to engage in desired behaviors such as following instructions, completing tasks, staying on task, and demonstrating positive social skills. Token boards teach students self-monitoring and self-regulation skills by involving them in tracking their own progress on token boards. This fosters independence and self-control.

Trinity Christian College Education Program Learning Outcomes 

Demonstrate content knowledge in their area of specialization

Create and implement effective learning experiences based on assessment

Exemplify professional responsibilities, attitudes, and behaviors

Pursue intellectual curiosity through scholarship and research