Municipal Solid Waste

In this activity, students will create a graph of data related to municipal solid waste [MSW] generation in the United States from 1960-2017. Students will also respond to various prompts.

Data for the graphing portion of this activity was adapted from this "statista" link:

DOCUMENT LINK: This link allows students to make a copy of the "US MSW Activity" Google document to be "edited" as students insert their graphs and respond to the prompts. This document must be submitted using the Google Form below (link also included on the "US MSW Activity" document.

The slideshow below (from a previous lesson) will guide students through the process of downloading the spreadsheet containing this activity's dataset.

Downloading Datasets - Global Indicators: Population & Grain Production

The video below (from a previous lesson) provides instructions for graphing the datasets using two vertical axes. Be sure to include the resulting graph in the appropriate section of the "US MSW Activity" document before it is submitted using the Google form above.