Bark & Soil - Insulative Property Model

"Fire in the Cross Timbers"

This lesson from the "Fire in the Cross Timbers" curriculum is available with permission from The Oak Woodlands and Forests Fire Consortium.

In this lesson, students use a physical model to investigate the insulative properties of tree bark and soil. Bark (on the trunks/stems of trees) and soil are two materials that can provide living things with protection from the heat of fires.

Follow the steps below (1-6) to complete this activity.

Step 1a: Open this "Student Worksheet (link)" and make a copy. Your copy of the student worksheet Google document will be submitted using a Google form when the activity has been completed (Step 6).

Step 1b: Download and PRINT the "Data Collection Sheet." If you are in class for this activity, a copy of this sheet will be provided. In "Step 3," the table and graph will be completed as instructed in class or by using the "Data Collection Video."

Step 2: Go through the slideshow below. Complete "Part A" of the student worksheet using information provided in the slideshow.

Bark & Soil Model - Slideshow (for JenksFERST - Student Version)

Step 3 - Data Collection: A class demonstration will be conducted to provide necessary data. If you are working remotely, use the "Data Collection Video" below.

Step 4: Data/Graph Analysis - Respond to the prompts in "Part D" of the student worksheet.

Step 5: Canvas Quiz - Complete the "Bark & Soil Quiz" in the Unit 6 Canvas module.

Step 6: Worksheet Submission - Submit your completed student worksheet using the "Submission Link" beneath the information for the correct instructor/class/school. If your instructor provided you with a different submission process, be sure to follow those instructions.

Bryan Yockers

Jenks High School

AP Environmental Science