"Fire in the Cross Timbers"
This lesson from the "Fire in the Cross Timbers" curriculum is available with permission from The Oak Woodlands and Forests Fire Consortium. This lesson is based on the US Forest Service's "FireWorks Northern Rocky Mountains & Northern Cascades Curriculum."
This lesson from the "Fire in the Cross Timbers" curriculum is available with permission from The Oak Woodlands and Forests Fire Consortium. This lesson is based on the US Forest Service's "FireWorks Northern Rocky Mountains & Northern Cascades Curriculum."
In this activity, students use increment cores and cross sections from trees to investigate fire's impact on and frequency in wooded areas. The following concepts will be covered: 1) stand-replacing fires; 2) frequency of low-intensity fires; and 3) application of historic fire frequency to current land management practices.
In this activity, students use increment cores and cross sections from trees to investigate fire's impact on and frequency in wooded areas. The following concepts will be covered: 1) stand-replacing fires; 2) frequency of low-intensity fires; and 3) application of historic fire frequency to current land management practices.
Follow the steps below (1-6) to complete this activity.
Follow the steps below (1-6) to complete this activity.
Step 1: Open this "Dendrochronology" Google Doc student worksheet (link) and "Make A Copy" for yourself. Your Google Doc student worksheet will be submitted using a Google form when the activity has been completed (Step 6).
Step 1: Open this "Dendrochronology" Google Doc student worksheet (link) and "Make A Copy" for yourself. Your Google Doc student worksheet will be submitted using a Google form when the activity has been completed (Step 6).
Step 2: Go through the introductory slideshow below. Complete "Part A" of the student worksheet using the information provided.
Step 2: Go through the introductory slideshow below. Complete "Part A" of the student worksheet using the information provided.
Step 3: Produce a stand-replacing fire timeline. Download the "Stand-Replacing Fire Timeline Template" (below) and follow the steps demonstrated in the video (also included on the student worksheet). Respond to the prompts in "Part B" of the student worksheet using the completed timeline.Â
Step 3: Produce a stand-replacing fire timeline. Download the "Stand-Replacing Fire Timeline Template" (below) and follow the steps demonstrated in the video (also included on the student worksheet). Respond to the prompts in "Part B" of the student worksheet using the completed timeline.Â
Step 4: Produce a fire-scar history chart. Download the "Fire-Scar History Chart Template" (below) and follow the steps demonstrated in the video (also included on the student worksheet). Respond to the prompts in "Part C" of the student worksheet using the completed fire-scar chart and the two maps below.
Step 4: Produce a fire-scar history chart. Download the "Fire-Scar History Chart Template" (below) and follow the steps demonstrated in the video (also included on the student worksheet). Respond to the prompts in "Part C" of the student worksheet using the completed fire-scar chart and the two maps below.
Map 1A: Google Map of Study Sites Included in This Activity
Map 1A: Google Map of Study Sites Included in This Activity
Map 1B: Image of Study Sites Included in This Activity (in case the Google Map is not available)
Map 1B: Image of Study Sites Included in This Activity (in case the Google Map is not available)
Map 2: Predicting Fire Frequency With Chemistry and Climate (link to a summary of the model used for the map)
Map 2: Predicting Fire Frequency With Chemistry and Climate (link to a summary of the model used for the map)
Step 5: On the student worksheet, complete "Part D: Fire-Scar History Chart from the Cross Timbers."
Step 5: On the student worksheet, complete "Part D: Fire-Scar History Chart from the Cross Timbers."
Step 6: Lesson Submission - Turn in your completed student worksheet and timeline/chart spreadsheets using the "Submission Link" beneath the information for the correct instructor/class/school.
Step 6: Lesson Submission - Turn in your completed student worksheet and timeline/chart spreadsheets using the "Submission Link" beneath the information for the correct instructor/class/school.