
The United Nations designates specific days, weeks, years and decades as occasions to mark particular events or topics in order to promote, through awareness and action, the objectives of the Organization. Usually, it is one or more Member States that propose these observances and the General Assembly establishes them with a resolution.


1–7 February (first week of February) : World Interfaith Harmony Week (A/RES/65/5)


21–27 March: Week of Solidarity with the Peoples Struggling against Racism and Racial Discrimination (A/RES/34/24)


24–30 April: World Immunization Week [WHO]


6-12 May 2019 (biennially): UN Global Road Safety Week [WHO]

25–31 May: Week of Solidarity with the Peoples of Non-Self-Governing Territories (A/RES/54/91)


1–7 August: World Breastfeeding Week [WHO]


4–10 October: World Space Week (A/RES/54/68)

24–30 October: Disarmament Week (A/RES/S-10/2 (p. 102))


6–12 November (the week in which 11 November falls): International Week of Science and Peace (A/RES/43/61)

13–19 November: World Antibiotic Awareness Week, 13-19 November [WHO]

These are the international weeks currently observed by the United Nations.

As the world’s only truly universal global organization, the United Nations has become the foremost forum to address issues that transcend national boundaries and cannot be resolved by any one country acting alone.


United Nations Calendar of observances

On occasion, these celebrations are declared by the specialized agencies of the United Nations, such as the World Health Organization, UNAOC, Department of Political Affairs, UNESCO, UNHCR, UN ENVIRONMENT, UNDP, ILO, UNFPA, UNICEF, FAO, etc., when they concern issues that fall within the scope of their competencies. Some of them may be later adopted by the United Nations General Assembly.