World Malaria Day

World Malaria Day, marked each year on 25 April, is an occasion to highlight the need for continued investment and sustained political commitment for malaria prevention and control. Partners and malaria stakeholders in the WHO Regions are encouraged to consider this concept and objectives in the commemoration of Malaria Awareness Day following the objectives:

° Improve the communication process and extension of advocacy work to all stakeholders and target audiences.

° Enhance visibility/interest on Malaria infection and the global scourge that the disease brings to peoples of the world.

° Increase awareness and understanding of the key issues among target audience/population.

° Catalyze change of attitudes and modification of behaviors in the affected Human population .

° Generate advocacy/support from the public, policy makers, private sector and strategic partners.

° Encourage increased and enduring support to efforts against Malaria Disease, including the elimination of local transmission in areas where such is feasible.

FORUM : World Malaria Day 2020, Zero Malaria starts with me.

PAHO underlines importance of sustained malaria efforts and protection of health workers during COVID-19 pandemic.
