

  • Serve a two-year term on the executive board

  • Keep round table financial records, including fund expenditure records

  • Attend all executive committee and membership meetings

  • Produce an annual round table budget for review by the board at least two weeks before Annual Conferences

  • Seek approval from the chair, chair-elect and past chair if expenditures differ substantially from the budgeted amount

  • Supply directions and requirements for funding plans that should be submitted with special projects

  • Collect round table expense reports and receipts

  • Share performance reports with ALA and the chair, chair-elect and immediate past-chair

  • Assure that authorized expenses incurred by round table members, in connection with round table activities, are reimbursed through Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF)

  • Coordinate fundraising goals in pursuit of financial resources that will help to ensure the continuity of the round table and all of its activities

  • Receive monthly performance reports from the staff liaison

Additional Information

  • Only ALA staff may enter into contracts

  • ALA’s fiscal year runs from September 1 to August 30

  • Every January ALA adopts a budget for the following fiscal year, that will begin in September

Treasurer Ex Officio Appointments


Term as treasurer begins at the close of Annual Conference or July 1. After the election results have been announced before the term begins, the incoming treasurer may want to meet with the incoming chair and staff liaison to review the calendar of meetings and events, confirm duties and clarify any questions.

Meeting Preparation

  • Communicate with the secretary if a financial report, expenditure, or revenue requires action or discussion on the meeting agenda

  • Post any current financial reports, budgets, or other documents on Connect so the executive committee has time to review them before the meeting

During Meetings

  • Provide a treasurers report that includes current revenues, expenses and balances

  • Provide an overview of the fiscal year and what expenses or fundraising may be coming up