Bylaws Committee


The Bylaws and Organization Committee is responsible for reviewing, recommending, and seeking approval of changes to the bylaws and guiding documents of IFRT and its committees. (Updated and approved by the IFRT Executive Committee February 2022.)



IFRT bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the round table membership, provided the amendment has been approved by the Executive Committee. Amendments to these Bylaws shall become effective immediately upon certification of the election results.

These Bylaws shall at all times be consistent with the Bylaws of the ALA.

  1. The Bylaws Committee is tasked with crafting the language for the document

  2. Proposed changes should be circulated to appropriate stakeholders for review and comment

  3. Bylaw changes need to be approved by the membership during the spring election. The committee should be aware of any deadlines required by ALA Governance for the proposed changes to be added to the ballot.

  4. After review, the Bylaws & Organization Committee and OIF Staff are authorized to make updates to the handbook. Updates and changes are reported to the IFRT Executive Committee as part of the regular reports.

  5. Handbook content must always align with the IFRT Bylaws

OIF Responsibilities

  • Works with committee chair to schedule and organize committee meetings

  • Attend virtual and in-person meetings when possible

  • Monitor committee connect space and respond to questions and requests

  • Manually updates IFRT Handbook in collaboration with the Bylaws Committee

  • Provide guidance on ALA Connect and ALA processes

  • Provides initial welcome and onboarding email to committee members at the beginning of the term


After the Chair-Elect has finalized committee appointments and before the term begins, the incoming Bylaws Chair may want to meet with the incoming chair and staff liaison to review the goals of the year, the frequency/calendar of meetings, confirm duties and clarify any questions.

First Quarter (July - September)

  • Term begins at the close of Annual Conference or July 1

  • Welcome new officers and committee members

Second Quarter (October - December)

  • Prepare any proposed changes to IFRT Bylaws that need to be voted on by the membership for the ALA spring election

Third Quarter (January - March)

  • Committee chair will bring a paper copy of the bylaws to ALA Midwinter for reference at the IFRT executive committee meeting

Fourth Quarter (April - June)

  • Committee chair will bring a paper copy of the bylaws to ALA Annual Conference for reference at the IFRT executive committee meeting

  • Write a column about the year's activities for the IFRT Report and submit to the chair of the Communications and Publication Committee by their deadline

  • Committee chair will email incoming chair to relay any updates or progress