
The ongoing work of the round table shall be carried out by its standing committees. The executive board may create or dissolve standing committees. Dissolution of a standing committee requires a two-thirds majority vote at two consecutive ALA Annual Conferences.  Standing committee chairs shall serve one-year terms, and will be appointed by the chair-elect. Standing committee chairs may not serve more than two consecutive terms. (IFRT Bylaws, VII. Committees

Appointment Procedure

All committee appointments are made by the IFRT Chair-elect in the spring. All committee volunteers must be IFRT members. Recommendations for committee chairs and members are welcome from anyone. Contact information for the chair-elect and chair are on the Executive Committee roster.  

Terms begin at the close of Annual Conference or July 1. Committee members are appointed for a two-year term. Terms are staggered so vacancies do not result in an entire committee being replaced at one time. Committee chairs serve one-year terms. Terms can be renewed once. The IFRT Committee Volunteer form is only open during the spring when appointments are being made. 

Responsibilities of Round Table Committee Chairs

All round table communication, including the communication of the committees is conducted on ALA Connect. Within the IFRT Community there are twelve groups designed to be a working space and discussion forum for members and volunteers. The committees each have their own space (including the Executive Committee) and there is a larger open community for all member communication and transparent archive of documents and posting of meetings and events: IFRT Members Community (Open).

Removing Committee Members from Appointments

Any committee member who is not responsive to three attempts of communication, via two communication methods (typically email and telephone), over one month, may be removed from a committee.


Every spring, the chair elect will appoint incoming committee chairs and members. The OIF staff liaisons will update existing chairs with new member and chair contact information and coordinate a welcome email. Committees will include new members in their ongoing correspondence. Chairs will meet with their successors to provide procedural information and best practices for success.