Nominating Committee


The Nominating Committee shall give to the Executive Committee a recommendation with at least two nominees for every office to be filled for annual election. The Executive Committee shall vote to approve the list of qualified candidates. Members shall be informed of the candidates. Members may also be nominated for candidacy any office via a signed petition of at least fifteen IFRT members.



ALA elections are held in the spring of each year with the results announced in early April. IFRT leadership is elected by a majority vote of the round table membership.

The election will be held by vote in accordance with ALA procedure and will be certified by the ALA Elections Committee.

  1. The Nominating Committee is tasked with finding 2 candidates for every office to be filled

  2. Candidates agree to run for election if the slate is approved

  3. Slate is submitted to the Executive Committee for approval before the biographical form deadline

    • Allow for enough time for candidates to complete the extensive form

  4. Members may also be nominated for candidacy of any office via a signed petition of at least fifteen IFRT members.

  5. Candidates complete the biographical form before the deadline. If bios are not submitted on time, candidates will not be included on the ballot.

  6. Members shall be informed of the candidates.

OIF Responsibilities

  • Works with committee chair to schedule and organize committee meetings

  • Attend virtual and in-person meetings when possible

  • Monitor committee connect space and respond to questions and requests

  • Communicate election deadlines and guidance provided by the ALA Governance Office

  • Manually formats any bylaw amendments for the ballot

  • Forward election results to the Nominating Committee chair

  • Provide guidance on ALA Connect and ALA processes

  • Provides initial welcome and onboarding email to committee members at the beginning of the term


After the Chair-Elect has finalized committee appointments and before the term begins, the incoming Nominating Chair may want to meet with the incoming chair and staff liaison to review the goals of the year, the frequency/calendar of meetings, confirm duties and clarify any questions.

First Quarter (July - September)

  • Term begins at the close of Annual Conference or July 1

  • Welcome new officers and committee members

  • Continue conversations with potential candidates for the spring election

Second Quarter (October - December)

  • Present candidates to the executive committee for their approval before ALA ballot deadline

  • Work with candidates to ensure ballot materials are submitted on schedule

Third Quarter (January - March)

  • Committee will work with Publications and Communications Committee to circulate the candidates and encourage IFRT members to vote in the spring election

Fourth Quarter (April - June)

  • Notify all candidates of the election results and thank them for running

  • Notify the executive committee of the election results

  • IFRT chair, nominating committee chair, and publications committee chair will collaborate to send a message to IFRT membership. It is encouraged for the newly elected officers to provide a headshot, bio and promotional text for the message. The message could be a newsletter, a Connect post, a press release, social media posts or any combination.

  • Write a column about the year's activities for the IFRT Report and submit to the chair of the Communications and Publication Committee by their deadline