Programming and Events Committee


The Programming and Events Committee works to plan and deliver member programming and events that meet the needs and strategic goals of IFRT. (Updated and approved by the IFRT Executive Committee 2020)


  • It is recognized that this is an active and large committee. It may be useful to appoint co-chairs. Members of this committee should expect to work on 1 to 3 events during each year of their term.

  • Committee members will produce activities that educate about intellectual freedom issues.

  • Committee will recruit additional volunteers beyond committee members to organize and implement specific activities.

    • Including but not limited to Banned Books Week, webinars, IFRT Reads, virtual salons, awards ceremonies, and conference sessions

    • Determine subgroup facilitators and communication.

  • Committee chair will collaborate with IFRT chair to plan a Chair's program for ALA Annual conference.

  • Committee will plan and propose additional programs through the ALA conference jury.

    • Only programs proposed by the IFRT Program Committee are considered "sponsored" by IFRT

  • Committee will seek collaboration with other ALA units to propose intellectual freedom programs to cosponsor at conferences.

    • Any proposals not developed by the committee would have to seek approval for IFRT co-sponsorship through the Program Committee

    • Any proposals that have financial implications need to be submitted to the Executive Committee for review

  • Committee will organize IFRT social events.

  • Committee chair will utilize surveys and other means to identify professional development needs of the membership and evaluate the effectiveness of programming for continuous improvement and alignment with strategic goals

  • All round table communication is conducted on ALA Connect (Including reports, documents, meeting information and a listing of committee members)

  • Additional round table committee chair responsibilities

OIF Responsibilities

  • Works with committee chair to schedule and organize committee meetings

  • Attend virtual and in-person meetings when possible

  • Facilitate zoom registration links

  • Monitor committee connect space and respond to questions and requests

    • Promote PEC Chair to IFRT Member Community Admin to facilitate creating Connect events and sending Connect emails

  • Communicate conference deadlines and guidance provided by ALA Conference Services

  • Provide google doc templates for program proposals and event promotions

  • Input program proposals into conference platform

  • Provide guidance on ALA Connect and ALA processes

  • Provides initial welcome and onboarding email to committee members at the beginning of the term


After the Chair-Elect has finalized committee appointments and before the term begins, the incoming Programming and Events Chair may want to meet with the incoming chair and staff liaison to review the goals of the year, the frequency/calendar of meetings, confirm duties and clarify any questions. This might be a good time to identify subcommittees and the role of the Director-at-Large.

Deadlines for annual conference program proposals have been in early fall. The Chair's program, which doesn't require jury selection, is due later.

First Quarter (July - September)

  • Term begins at the close of Annual Conference or July 1

  • Welcome new officers and committee members

  • Review goals, activities, and calendar with committee members

    • Review budget for current FY (Sept - Aug) to plan honoraria / travel, award ceremony catering, etc., for use during current committee term

  • Review conference deadlines

  • Review successes and challenges of past IFRT programs, events, or socials

  • Brainstorm topics and collaborations

  • Begin to draft proposals

  • Produce Banned Books Week activities and promotion

Second Quarter (October - December)

  • Produce fall educational opportunities such as a webinar, IFRT Reads, Virtual Salon, or other event

  • Review cosponsor requests

    • Co-sponsorship would be designated through mutually agreed external collaboration with the IFRT Programming and Events Committee.

    • Approval for co-sponsorship could be sought by emailing the proposal to the chair of the IFRT Programming and Events Committee who would forward it to the committee members for discussion and consent.

  • Finalize IFRT proposals and send to OIF staff for input

  • Report to the Executive Committee the selected programs that are either proposed by the Programming and Events Committee or co-sponsored.

Third Quarter (January - March)

  • Produce winter educational opportunities such as a webinar, IFRT Reads, Virtual Salon, or other event

  • Committee will work with Publications and Communications Committee to promote the events and programs

  • Provide budget recommendations for future FY

Fourth Quarter (April - June)

  • Produce spring educational opportunities such as a webinar, IFRT Reads, Virtual Salon, or other event

  • Write a column about the year's activities for the IFRT Report and submit to the chair of the Communications and Publication Committee by their deadline

  • Committee chair will email incoming chair to relay any updates or progress

  • Committee will send thank you notes to program speakers and sponsors