IFRT Handbook

The IFRT Handbook holds the institutional memory of round table volunteers.  The documentation in this site describes round table work to assure understanding of responsibilities across the organization.

The handbook is divided up into the different roles and committee structure of the round table.  Each committee has a section on this site which they can use to document information that should be shared with future committee members and chairs.

Content Guidelines

This is a working document and is intended to ease the learning curve of new volunteers. This resource should be crafted to easily recruit volunteers by describing responsibilities in manageable chunks. Sections may include (but not limited to) background information, expectations, instructions, explanations of roles, dates, deadlines, contacts, estimated time commitments, etc.

Handbook content must always align with the IFRT Bylaws. The Bylaws & Organization Committee and OIF Staff are authorized to make updates to the handbook. Updates and changes are reported to the IFRT Executive Committee as part of the regular reports.  

"When Things Need To Happen"

Executive board and committee terms start on July 1st after ALA's Annual Conference. Similarly, the handbook is organized with responsibilities and activities starting in July. Most each position or committee page has responsibilities and timelines divided by quarter. For a general overview of the round table's timeline of activities, visit "When Things Need to Happen."

Contact Betsy Gomez (bgomez@ala.org) and Aimee Strittmatter (aimees@ala.org) for help.