IC Chili

Une rencontre contre l'IC du Chili a eu lieu les 23 et 24 juin 2018 au Léopold Club.

L'équipe du Chili se composait de 5 dames et 6 hommes, parmi lesquels Jaime Pinto Bravo, second in the world in the itf ranking M75+.

La sélection de notre IC comprenait 6 dames et 7 hommes repris dans la liste ci-jointe.

Rapport de Pierre Mignot

On their way to Wimbledon on invitation from the IC of Great Britain, a team of Chile came to Brussels for a meeting with the IC of Belgium. 

Welcome was organised on Friday by Michel at "Le Roy d'Espagne" and the gala dinner took place on Saturday at the Hotel Barsey where the Chilean team was staying. At the end of the dinner, the traditional distribution of ties took place: Jaime Pinto Bravo was nominated as international member of the IC of Belgium and Michel, Eric and Pierre were nominated as members of the IC of Chile. 

The atmosphere was wonderful during the event, thanks to the really great spirit and relationship quality of all the players of Chile, giving a real meaning to the IC motto: hands across the nets, friendship across the oceans. 

On the courts, the programme was established considering the age and strength of the participants. Most matches took place on Saturday 23 June by a beautiful weather, except the 3 Mixte Doubles on Sunday morning. At the end, Belgium won by 11 victories to 5, 6 out of the 16 matches being concluded by a super tie-break (refer to the detailed results below).

Résultats détaillés

Album photos # 1: Vendredi 22 juin -> Visite centre de Bruxelles (guide = Brigitte Bocken) + souper au Roy d'Espagne

Album photos # 2: Tennis au Léopold Club



Michel de Marneffe

Brigitte Bocken

Monika Mogalle

Valérie Hox

Martine Van de Winkel

Lisette Sliepen

Gaetane Cruysmans

Jan Willemse

Eric Lingg

Pierre Mignot

Robert Goethals

Michel Vander Eecken

Marc Michiels