SSH - Social Innovation Research, Socio-Economic Sc. and Humanities

Social Innovation Research, Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities, globally SSH, is recognized by İstanbul Avrupa Araştırmaları Derneği (IAAD) as "social innovation, innovation in the public sector and will contribute to build resilient, inclusive, participatory, open and creative societies in Europe taking into account migration, integration and demographic change and making use of the potential of all generations. " Source: European Commission's Research and Innovation

The main aim of IAAD's engagement in SSH initiatives is to raise-awareness on innovations as key drivers to strengthen social cohesion and lower social inequalities.

To that view, IAAD develops the following non-scientific and non-technical activities:

  • international cooperation;
  • survey and research in cooperation with SSH key actors at EU level;
  • theoretical and applied research in policy studies;
  • impact assessment;
  • quality assurance, monitoring and evaluation;
  • capacity building programmes;
  • stakeholder engagement;
  • communication and dissemination.

The above mentionned IAAD's activities key field of expertise are related to the following H2020 cross-cutting issues:

  • international cooperation
  • Social Sciences & Humanities (SSH)
  • climate action and sustainable development (renewable non-fossil energy , low-carbon technologies, SDG 7)
  • Global education (ethics, gender, intercultural communication, inclusion, diversity and cooperation)
  • SMEs (innovation, technology transfer, start-ups, hubs, education and training)
  • links to regional policy (synergies)

On the matter of Global education IAAD recognises the developments of the Global Education Network of Young Europeans (GLEN) and the European NGO Confederation of Relief and Development (CONCORD).

IAAD was specially selected by a series of lead partners organisation to participate in consortia under a variety of H2020 calls such as:

  • H2020-SC5-20-2019
  • CE-SC5-04-2019
  • INNOSUP-04-2019
  • H2020-RUR-2018-2020

IIRS - Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies

IAAD's IIRS engagement relates with H2020 Programme Societal Challenge n.º 6 "Europe in a Changing World - Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies". In this context IAAD's staff had a non-key expert and observatory contribution in project DANDELION within the project's Advisory Board.

"The specific objective of the Societal Challenge 'Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies' (SC6) is to foster a greater understanding of Europe, provide solutions, and support inclusive, innovative and reflective European societies in a context of unprecedented transformations and growing global interdependencies. " Source: Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2018-2020 - 13. Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies

The main aim of IAAD's engagement in IIRS initiatives is to contribute and cooperate with key IIRS experts to tackle the complex issues addressed by the challenge and inform citizens objectively with awareness-raising developments.

To that view, IAAD develops non-scientific and non-technical activities in all 3 fields addressed by the challenge:

  • migration
  • socio-economic and cultural transformations stemming from the Industry 4.0)
  • governance