RENewAL > ERASMUS+ KA2 > 591861-EPP-1-2017-1-IT-EPPKA2-SSA > VET Sphere


The project R.E.NewAL. SKILLS -⁠ Real Estate New Alternative Skills (RENewAL) aims at tackling skills gaps in Real Estate activities, with special regards to Facility and Workplace Management, for the development of innovative solutions oriented by Health & Well-being in the Workplace (H2W), with a perspective of convergence between Facility Management, Property Management and Asset Management. The project promotes competencies’ building in Real Estate qualifications, integrating knowledge transfer from H2W in the Vocational Education and Training sphere (VET).

Results: the proposition of a Joint VET Qualification (JVQ) for the Real Estate arena, with a substantial development of Work-Based Learning such as long-term apprenticeships supported by Learning Mobilities abroad.

RENewAL intends to define and promote a new set of competences organised in knowledge, skills and responsibility/autonomy following recommendations of the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET), addressing skills’ gaps. Partners representing the Real Estate larger arena, technical partners in the field of H2W, and VET providers will take part in a participatory process of contents production through a multidisciplinary set of activities encompassing: research, curriculum design, and pilot testing.