'Bottom-up Sport Partnership' > ERASMUS+ 613508-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-SPO-SCP > Sport
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
'Bottom-up Sport Partnership' (BSPORT+) is a project triggered and entirely designed by IAAD, also key proposal production manager on behalf of Fundación INTRAS, Spain.
Most of the actors of the sport, physical activity and related arena, often engaged in EU funded projects, recognises the importance of the need for an implementation plan based on the recommendations of the Council Recommendation on health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA), the EU Physical Activity Guidelines and the Tartu Call for a Healthy Lifestyle, not only in taking actions but also at policy level.
“Healthy lifestyles are about more than sport. We need to work together across different policy sectors. That is what the Tartu Call is about: together with my fellow Commissioners Vytenis Andriukaitis and Phil Hogan, I want to show a firm commitment to cooperate across policy areas such as health, sport, education, food, research and innovation.”, Tibor Navracsics, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport. Source: Gerardo Fortuna, EURACTIV (2019).
B-SPORT+ is a blueprint to engage and activate persons with disabilities (PwD) and to assist them adopting healthy habits through a Lifelong Sporting System starting at early age and continuing in their active life (workplace, professional activity, etc.).
Accordingly, B-SPORTS+ project focuses on developing actionable and deployable mechanisms, for improving the engagement and activation of PwD in healthier lifestyles, and on creating new cooperation settings and synergies and supporting existing ones, across key organisations and existing networks.
B-SPORTS+ brings together leading bodies from an enlarged sphere of audiences and groups, including sport, physical activity, science and research, businesses, the civil society, education and training, government bodies, in a remarkable partnership of expertise to implement the project, which incorporates a series of focus points.
B-SPORT+ generates simple and practical mechanisms with a systemic approach supported by recognised organisations, taking actions considering local contexts, creating learning and collaborating environments and an on-site and online ecosystem (SPORT+LIFE) with the inclusive participation of PwD, to provide a large series of minor changes across key actors engaged with PwD.
B-SPORTS+ brings together leading bodies from an enlarged sphere of audiences and groups, including sport, physical activity, science and research, businesses, the civil society, education and training, government bodies, in a remarkable partnership of expertise to implement the project, which incorporates the following focus points:
activating actors in new roles promoting cross-sectoral cooperation, for instance with the schooling sphere, and giving impetus to EU initiatives such as the Teachers’ Resource Pack, and with businesses (workplace settings, health clubs partnerships);
building cross-sectoral and sectoral capacity to equip resident facilitators, the “Healthy Lifestyle Facilitator” (HL-Coach), and deployable “Healthy Lifestyle Multipliers” (HL-Multi) with a PwD-oriented Capacity Building Programme “POWER SPORT+” which generates both HEPA activation/engagement, and individual empowerment;
creating the user-driven digital social and Open Educational Resources (OER) platform “SPORT+LIFE” to support the individuals and organisations engaged in B-SPORT+ collaborative developments;
liaising with science and technology, linking with Knowledge and Innovation Communities to generate innovative strategies to raise awareness on the benefit of healthy lifestyles;
examining PwD specific needs related to assistive technologies to tackle obstacles in accessing HEPA;
addressing the policy life cycle within a HEPA Policy Lab to assess impact in real environments;
realizing local events during the European Week of Sport and other similar events several times a year;
generating an actionable and deployable knowledge basis enhancing the dialogue across health and sport network through research and comparative studies, benchmarking good practices and gathering data on people’s attitudes and habits;
contributing to data mining on healthy lifestyle indicators (interventions and actions, innovation) and to up-to-date country factsheets on health-enhancing physical activity (heap), and creating basis for a “HEPA Monitor”;
contributing to the digital transformation of the sport and health sector with a specific focus on blockchain digital records and monetization towards funding innovation and SPORT+LIFE ecosystem;
B-SPORT+ generates simple and practical mechanisms with a systemic approach supported by recognised organisations, taking actions considering local contexts, creating learning and collaborating environments and an on-site and online ecosystem (SPORT+LIFE) with the inclusive participation of PwD, to provide a large series of minor changes across key actors engaged with PwD.
The figure below illustrates B-SPORT+ result-driven and user-driven structure.
Coordinator: Fundación INTRAS, Spain
Asociación de Psicología Evolutiva y Educativa de la Infancia (INFAD), Spain
Topcoach, Slovakia
SINAPSI Athenaeum Centre, Italy
Trendhuis cvba, Belgium
İstanbul Avrupa Araştırmaları Derneği (IAAD), Turkey