Prof. Huei-Tse Hou


2021年度的「全球前 2% 頂尖科學家」發布了 (由史丹佛大學團隊與Elsevier Mendeley Data 合作),針對全球最大的引文摘要資料庫 Scopus,不只看單一引用率或篇數指標而是依據多重關鍵指標,分析全球近800萬位學者,提供了科學家長期研究表現的衡量指標後所列出之「全球前 2% 頂尖科學家榜單(World’s Top 2% Scientists 2021)」。

其中,在教育領域中,2021年台灣進入全球「終身科學影響力排行榜」的 教育領域學者僅有18名學者入榜,很榮幸主持人侯惠澤老師排在全台灣的第5名。(詳細資訊)


很開心! 在全球重要學術資料庫 Scopus Scival 大數據趨勢分析中,針對 #子研究主題領域 "Game-Based Learning; Educational Games; Serious Game" (遊戲式學習) 這個Topic,MEG主持人侯老師是2018-2022全球排名最活躍的作者~ 此外,我們台灣科技大學也是此研究領域全球最活躍的大專院校之一。

#感謝我們NTUSTMEG所有學生夥伴們近五年來不斷地在此領域專注聚焦研究發揮影響力~ #長期專注聚焦在一個領域不斷精進!

侯老師第二次榮獲國科會傑出研究獎! (111年度、105年度)

資料畫面來源: Scopus Scival 

NEW!!! 團隊招生訊息 [113博士班]


🧡113年3月28日上午9:00起開始報名!!!! ,難得的機會! 千萬要把握機會唷~ 🏫想加入我們NTUSTMEG 博士班行列? 歡迎及早準備! 只需書面審查與口試。

📣#報考113年台灣科技大學應用科技研究所丙組 (#不要報錯系所組別喔! ) 便有機會加入我們團隊 跟我們一同進行遊戲理論、認知設計、心流、動機、玩家行為、課室焦慮、學習行為模式分析、桌遊、AR、VR、實境遊戲、討論式教學引導策略與遊戲化教學相關領域研究,並參與團隊的各種前瞻專題! 請把握機會,馬上報名~ 從學理與實證根本來探究遊戲化、認知學習與情境式學習!  


NEW!! [#歡迎踴躍投稿分享~] 在數位學習領域每年重要全球華人盛會- 全球華人計算計機教育應用大會 (GCCCE2024) 中,我們 #NTUSTMEG團隊 申請主辦了這個工作坊。我們邀請來自上海交大與文化大學的兩位共同主席來組織這個工作坊,歡迎大家只要對於 #關鍵力教育遊戲、#能力導向遊戲化教案 或 #素養導向教育遊戲 有關的稿件都來投稿,若是比較作品導向的稿件,也歡迎可投稿短篇海報做遊戲實體展覽唷! 歡迎大家六月在重慶共襄盛舉! 投稿期限: 2024/3/25 




NTUSTMEG x MOE 大型線上卡片素養解題遊戲

時空學園- 素養解題線上玩中學!






升級您的戰寵,獲得更多時空知識能量! 重擊各種三種時空獸族!

NTUSTMEG x MOE large-scale card educational game will be tested and released soon! Cross-platform, you can play the game on your tablet in the classroom or on your computer at home!

It can be used for self-learning and classroom teaching. 200+ contextualized literacy card puzzle levels linked to various domains of knowledge for grades 1-12 are available for you and your students to challenge!

Teachers can also edit and design their own customized levels!

Adopts our team's newest multi-dimensional scaffolding framework design! Upgrade your battle pets to get more Time Knowledge power! Fight all three types of Time Beasts!

侯老師榮獲國科會傑出研究獎研究介紹(111年度) (資料來源: 國科會網站)








採訪報導很有趣喔~ 有我們團隊的 #研究與討論的日常喔!





Hou's Landscape music |恬靜背景音樂|工作閱讀 | 人文即興音樂創作|侯惠澤老師的地景自然故事音樂創作(C)Copyright by Huei-Tse HOU



※ 最新桌遊走遊朴子街


跟 清木屋せいもくや產學合作設計的桌遊 #走遊朴子街 , 這款遊戲除了可以玩桌遊,還限期附贈一個ARG實境遊戲 #重逢樸仔腳 體驗機會~





對於 #親子遊戲式學習 有興趣的夥伴們,除了閱讀國語日報我的專欄或追蹤臉書的分享之外,也可以聽聽看這段採訪唷!

#歡迎分享出去給朋友們! 未來還有第二集與第三集喔~


親子遊戲式學習專欄選讀 (資料來源: 侯教授於國語日報家庭版的專欄)



或 (02)27303776 


受國科會實作學門電子期刊的邀請,侯老師撰寫了教育產品的多維度評估趨勢經驗談一文 在該期刊的最新一期中,最近剛上線,歡迎大家參閱分享喔~ 尤其是進行教育平台、系統、教具、遊戲等研究的夥伴們可參考~




這套桌上遊戲經由我們團隊跟國內重要閱讀推手 #宋怡慧 老師 閱讀理解教師團隊及 #2plus桌遊工作室 共同合作完成! 這款花了超多時間認知設計、測試與反覆修正調整,創新遊戲機制,可以讓玩家彷如進入歷史時空,閱讀、判斷與組合100張故事卡,當個 #歷史劇作家 ~

台科大迷你教育遊戲團隊以產學合作之經營管理教育桌遊 WinWin Insurance Plus-榮獲歐洲國際遊戲式學習年會 ECGBL2020 國際教育遊戲大賽 (The International Educational Games Competition) 












侯老師發表超過200篇以上的教育與科技相關著作,並包含超過70篇國際知名SSCI期刊論文著作,此外也擔任國際學術系列專書主編也擔任多個國際期刊的編輯委員或審查委員(包含擔任25個以上SSCI期刊的reviewer) 並受邀擔任國際重要計畫(如: 瑞士國家科學基金會Swiss National Science Foundation)審查委員,並數次受邀於國際研討會(如:International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE)擔任受邀演講。


Huei-Tse Hou 

Distinguished Professor, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan

Dr. Hou is an expert in game-based learning, gamification for teaching, and learning behavioral analysis. In behavioral pattern analysis, Prof. Hou adopts quantitative content analysis, lag sequential analysis, and visualization of different learning behavioral patterns to explore learners’ complex learning process (e.g., collaborative problem-solving process) over a period of time. He also works on the development of innovative research methods. Prof. Hou has received many awards, including the Outstanding Research Award from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan in 2016 and 2022; the Excellent Teacher Award from the Ministry of Education, Taiwan in 2018; the Ta-You Wu Memorial Award (for young outstanding scholars) from the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2010, and the Outstanding Research and Creation Award from NTUST many times.

Prof. Hou has more than 200 publications in the fields of education and technology, including more than 70 JCR-SSCI-indexed journal articles. He is also the editor of international scholar series and the editorial committee member and the reviewer of many international journals (including more than 25 SSCI journals). He has been invited to be the reviewer of many important international projects (e.g., by the Swiss National Science Foundation) and to give speeches in international conferences many times (e.g., International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE).

In game-based learning, Prof. Hou has been developing many educational mini-games (including board games and digital games) and the editing environment (for teachers and students to develop their own games) based on cognitive learning theories. In gamification, Prof. Hou has proposed the “micro-flipped game-based learning model” and the “Card-game, Slide, and Learning Sheet gamification teaching model” to assist teaching, emphasizing the use of micro-autonomous gamification learning and scaffolding in teaching. In practice, Prof. Hou also promotes game-based learning, learning-based board games, and parent-children gamification learning in many primary and high schools and organizations. He has more than 40 industry-academia cooperation projects related to game-based learning, including the release of game-based learning products for school and industry trainings. Five educational board games has been successfully released in the market, and two of them have been the best sellers from their category on a single day on the Books shopping site, which shows a successful example of research applications. In terms of social influences, Prof. Hou’s research team adopts a bottom-up promotion method to build teacher communities and has shared ideas with tens of thousands of teachers in workshops nationwide more than 300 times, which were also reported by the media many times. The research team was invited by the biggest insurance industry in Taiwan for industry-academia cooperation, aiming to develop educational games for the training of thousands of employees in the company. Prof. Hou is an influential scholar in Taiwan, who applies games in flipped teaching based on theories and scientific analysis. In 2016, he published the book “micro-flipped gamed-based learning” as an important reference book and tool for readers to understand the idea of micro-flipped gamed-based learning model. This book was the second best seller from the curriculum and teaching method category on the Books’ online bookstore (2016/7/26).

In July 2018, Prof, Hou published the textbook “knowledge-based board game design” and this book has been gradually used by high school teachers in their featured curriculum. Prof. Hou is an important scholar, who has both academic output and industry-academia output in the field of digital learning in Taiwan. He also received the Excellent Teacher Award from the Ministry of Education in 2018 because of this innovative teaching research and his promotion of teaching in education.


Proposal Reviewer, Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

Associate Editor, Frontiers in Psychology (SSCI)

Member, IEEE Entertainment and Gaming (ENT) Technical Committee, The IEEE Consumer Technology Society (CTSoc)  

Associate Editor, Frontiers in Education

Section Editor, International Journal of Serious Games (ESCI)

Reviewer, Nature Computational Science (Nature子期刊)

Reviewer, Learning and Instruction (SSCI)

Reviewer, International Journal of Science Education (SSCI)

Reviewer, Computers and Education (SSCI, SCI)

Reviewer, Interactive Learning Environments (SSCI)

Reviewer, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (SSCI)

Reviewer, Computers in Human Behavior (SSCI)

Reviewer, Innovations in Education and Teaching International (SSCI)

Reviewer Panel, British Journal of Educational Technology (SSCI)

Reviewer, Frontiers Psychology (SSCI)

Reviewer,  Children and Youth Services Review (SSCI)

Reviewer, Thinking Skills and Creativity (SSCI)

Reviewer, Technology in Society (SSCI)

Reviewer, Entertainment Computing (SCIE)

Reviewer, The Journal of Chemical Education 

Reviewer, Behaviour & Information Technology (SSCI)

Reviewer, Educational Technology & Society (SSCI)

Reviewer, Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking (SSCI)

Reviewer, The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (SSCI)

Reviewer, IEEE’s Transactions on Learning Technologies (SSCI)

Reviewer, Asia Pacific Education Review (SSCI)

Reviewer, Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology (SSCI)

Reviewer, International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education (SSCI)

Reviewer, Universal Access in the Information Society (SSCI)

Reviewer, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications (TOMM) (SCI)

Reviewer, International Journal of Engineering Education (SCI)

Reviewer, International Journal on Continuous Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning (IJCEELL) (EI)

Reviewer, International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design

Reviewer, Studies in Higher Education (SSCI)

Reviewer, The Internet and Higher Education (SSCI)

Reviewer, Teaching and Teacher Education (SSCI)

Reviewer, Computer Assisted Language Learning (SSCI)

Reviewer, Journal Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (RPTEL)

Reviewer, Program

Reviewer, Engineering Science and Technology

Reviewer, International Journal of Peace and Development Studies

Reviewer, Global Chinese Journal for Computers in Education (GCJCE)

Reviewer, Journal of Education and Learning

Reviewer, MERLOT Journal of Learning and Teaching

Reviewer, Advances in Education

Reviewer, Education Journal (Hong Kong)

《教育科學研究期刊》編輯委員  (TSSCI)

華人探究學習學會(Chinese Society for Inquiry Learning, CSIL)理事





Guest Editor, Technology for Education and Learning

Book Editor, InTech Education and Publishing, Austria

Editorial Board, Journal of Education and Learning

Editorial Board, The Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange (JETDE) (2011)

Editorial Board, The Online Journal Distance Education and e-Learning (TOJDEL)

座右銘: 就是自己書寫給自己勉勵的這段文字~

學術合作、演講邀約、產學合作或其他諮詢,請以 與侯老師聯絡。