
Şcoala gimnaziala nr. 1 Hiliseu-Horia, Romania

Our organization is a public organization, in a rural area. Its scope of work is education. It has got 5 school structures with around 485 children and 38 teachers (a school in every village ): 5 kindergartens, 2 primary schools and 3 secondary schools. Our children are between 5 to 15 . There are girls and boys in the same class and they have the same age . We have a bus for our transportation and central heating in every school. The parents keep close contact with school and they participate in common activities. They are interested in their children`s future and help the school to do the best things for them. The families aren't too rich , but they believe that the education is very important for a better life and try to do everything for that. The quality of education is high because we don`t make differences between the child from the village and the child from the town.