October -December 2021

Thinking out of the box - problems, solutions from the environmental perspective

During the second Learning, Teaching, Training Activity a project-based activity was organised. Each team presented the most common prolems related to air, soil and water pollution as well as presented their solutions. Moreover students shared ideas about their own pesronal contribution to reduce these problems and to raise cultural awareness

What have we done to help nature

During the second Learning, Teaching, Training Activity students shared what have they done during the summmer holiday to help nature.

Here is an e-book with ideas from students from different countries. They share how they have tried to help nature during their free time

Campaign Posters

During the second Learning, Teaching, Training Activity students have designed eco-related posters.

Here are the best posters from students from different countries.

e-Reports on the Green Energy Usage

eReport on usage of Solar Energy, Wind Energy and Hydro Energy

eReport on Green Energy Usage among EU countries

During the second Learning, Teaching, Training Activity students have workshop on usage of solar, wind and hydro energy.

Here are their presentations on green energy.

Hydro Energy.pptx
Wind Energy 1.pptx
Solar Energy.pptx
Energy in different countries (1).pptx

Presentation on History of Ecology

During the second Learning, Teaching, Training Activity, students from host country (Bulgaria), presented presentastion on History of Ecology. The presentation was part of Erasmus+ project activities under the project.

The history of ecology.ppt

Quiz on European Green Deal

During the second Learning, Teaching, Training Activity students have workshop ondesigning e-quiz on European Green Deal.

The quiz was later shared with students from the participating schools.

Letters from the Earth

Competitions were organised among partners for the best Letters form the Earth. Students have to imagine that they are THE EARTH and to write letter to humans

Sava Dobroplodny Secondary School

Letters form the Earth

Agrupamento de Escolas de Pedome , Portugal

Letters form the Earth

Klaipėdos "Vyturio" progimnazijos , Lithuania

Letters from the Earth


Letters from the Earth

Szkola Podstawowa im. Prymasa Tysiaclecia Stefana Kardynala Wyszynskiego w Fanianowie

Letters from the Earth

Şcoala gimnaziala nr. 1 Hiliseu-Horia, Romania

Letters from the Earth