Szkola Podstawowa im. Prymasa Tysiaclecia Stefana Kardynala Wyszynskiego w Fanianowie

Fanianowo, Poland

30.05 -3.06.2022

How can we make the difference

Activity focuses on the impact students could have in the long-term in relation to environment protection. Divided in groups (each group had students from all the participating countries), they designed " How can we make the difference" team project. The projects summarizes the things students have learnt during the implementation of project activities until now. Considering the fact that learning about ecology is not a difficult task but acquiring habits to protect the nature is a hard job, the main objective of the activity is to force students to rethink what they should do to develop environmentally-friendly habits. Each participant contributed to his/her team project with the unique experience of his/her country. Team projects presented the basic rules everybody should follow to protect the nature. After the activity ends, the team projects were presented to the rest of the participating students in the Learning Teaching Training Activity and organised in a digital project diary . Moreover, the participants looked on the impact "How can we make the difference" team projects have on their


Main objectives of the Learning Teaching Training Activity related to the participating students are:

1. Promoting the importance of personal contribution to the environment

2. Developing eco-friendly habits among participating students

3. Developing teamworking skills among the participating students

4. Developing civic engagement and responsible citizenship among the participating students

5. Developing English communicative skills of the participating students

6. Increasing cultural awareness among the participating students as they are involved in a multinational teamwork

Main objectives of the Learning Teaching Training Activity related to the participating teachers are:

1. Increasing professional competences related to the design of teamwork and pairwork

2. Increasing professional competences related to the ways we could develop eco-friendly habits among students which is much more difficult than providing information on the

environmental problems

3. Developing English communicative skills of the participating teachers

4. Increasing cultural awareness among the participating teachers as they are involved in a multinational teamwork

The students involved in the activity had A2 level of English in order to be able to communicate while implementing their team projects. They were creative, tolerant and have taken part in most of the project activities. As a result, students were able to contribute to the Learning Teaching Training Activity as they brought the skills and knowledge acquired during the implementation of previous project-related activities.

The teachers involved in the activity had at least B1 level of English as well as in-depth knowledge related to ecology and environmental science. Most of them had previous experience on project work and team working activities design

Diary Green World - Happy People.pdf

How can we make the difference

Digital Project Diary