Şcoala gimnaziala nr. 1 Hiliseu-Horia, Romania

Dorohoi, Romania


Inquiry-based activities related to the ecology

The activity aimed to promote extra-curricular activities for promoting eco-awareness and developing positive attitude toward ecology. First and second learning activities were organized around lesson design /CLIL and ICT lessons/. This activity focused on the implementation of extracurricular activities for developing eco-friendly habits. Teachers shared their experience in designing and implementing inquiry-based , eco-related activities. The activities were based on students own research and are related to endangered animals and plants. Students working in teams conducted inquiry-based researches and shared them during the meeting.

The activity influenced positively the participating students as follows:

1. Students competences for cooperative learning and teamwork were developed as all the activities were based on teamworking and cooperative learning;

2. Students communicative skills in English were improved as they shared their inquiry-based projects in English and took part in an inquiry-based workshop on-site where the language of communication were English

3. Students eco-related cultural awareness were improved as all the inquiries were centered around the eco-related issues

4. Participating in activities with students from different countries had a huge impact on students cultural awareness

The activity influenced positively the participating teachers as follows:

1. Teachers competences for designing cooperative learning activities as well as inquiry-based activities were developed in the process of shared experience

2.Teachers communicative skills in English were improved as they shared their professional experience in designing teamworking and inquiry-based activities in English

3. Teachers eco-related cultural awareness were improved as all the inquiries were centered around the eco-related issues

4. Participating in activities with teachers and students from different countries had a huge impact on teachers cultural awareness

Beside focusing on language skills development and the rise of ecological concern, students and teachers from the participating countries were able to attend different lessons, apart from inquiry-based workshop planned. In this way they increased their knowledge about educational system of another European country and developed their sense of European citizenship.

Part one - 28.03.2022-01.04.2022

Online collaboration on project activities

28.03 -1.04.2022

Endangered animals in Bulgaria part one.ppsx
Research on endangered animalls and plants in Bulgaria part two.pptx
endangered animals and plant in bulgaria part 3.pptx
Zagrożone gatunki roślin w Polsce..pdf
Some Endangered Plants And Animals In Turkey (2).pdf
endangered animals and plants in lithuania.pptx

Part two - 04.08.2022-08.08.2022

Online collaboration on project activities

04.07 -08.07.2022
