April - July 2022

Lets learn about Beautiful nature - a walk among nature with a biologist to explain the importance of preserving natural habitats for animals and plants

During the fourth Learning, Teaching, Training activity students have taken part in a walk among nature with a biologist to explain the importance of preserving natural habitats for animals and plants .

The walk had much impact on students as it gave them ideas how they could take care of animals and plants and help to keet the environment clean

Noise and light pollution - project-work on noise and light pollution

During one of the Learning, teaching, training activities students have implemented a project related to the impact of noise and light pollution on people's and animals' health

Participating students have searched information, made a paper-project and presented it to other teams

Noise and Light Pollution

What is it?

Noise pollution is when a developed building or area produces loud sounds for a prolonged time. This can include everything from a concert in an outdoor space, a residential area with high traffic noise, or a house playing music loudly. Noise pollution can be harmful to animals and humans as it disrupts sleep and causes stress.

Light pollution is defined as excessive or disturbing light that may be harmful to animals or humans.This is when there are too many sources of artificial light in an outdoor area. These kinds of pollution disrupt the natural light of the sky at night, which can disrupt sleep and confuse animals. Further, excessive use of artificial lights demonstrates inefficient energy use and can be a dangerous distraction to nearby traffic.

How can I help?

Members of the community can help reduce noise and light pollution by using only necessary lighting and reducing the amount of noise you produce. Turn off lights when they are not in use or set up timers to automatically shut off and install outdoor lights minimally.

"Eco greeting" - a diary in which students share project-experience they have obtained during the project implementation

Diary Green World - Happy People (1).pdf