Exchanging welcome videos and presentations

Welcome from Turkey

Welcome from Romania

Welcome from Lithuania

Welcome from Poland

Christmas tree made with recycling materials by Portuguese school eco club

World Water Day

Polish Team celebrated World Water Day

Валентина-Атанасова (2).docx

Bulgarian team celebrated World Water Day

As an extra project activity we have celebrated World Water Day.

  1. We have taken part in a local competition under the title: "Water - the Spring of Life". The competition was organised together with a local institution responsible for the water supply in the region of Shumen. Three essays, related to the importance of clean water, written by Sava Dobroplodny Secondary School students have been nominated and students received an award

Valentina Atanasova -2nd place; 50 levs prize awarded

You coud download the essay here

Merdin Zekeriev -3rd place; 40 levs awarded

You could download the essay here

Also, an article related to water has been written by Andrej Dimitrov, 11th grade student

You could read the article here

  1. Meeting was arranged between representatives of Regional Water Inspectorate and 3rd grade primary students. Students were shown a presentastion on the importance of water. Then the students have made A Book of water

Замърсяване на водата - Андрей Димитров, 12 клас .docx

The Earth Day

Klaipėdos "Vyturio" progimnazijos, Lithuania

Earth Day Forum Experiment

Two of Lithuanian students participated in the Earth Day Forum and presented a simple experiment. In attachment you can find a photo of this experiment.

Klaipėdos "Vyturio" progimnazijos, Lithuania

The World of My Future

Students in grades 6-8 created a variety of maps on the topic: "My Future World". In the works we can see fantastic, fabulous motives and predictions for the future. Many of the works encourage reflection on the future of the Earth, on ecology and the contribution of each of us to it.

Szkola Podstawowa im. Prymasa Tysiaclecia Stefana Kardynala Wyszynskiego w Fanianowie

Young people and children clean up and segregate the rubbish /poster/

Posters and cards related to the Earth Day

the Earth Day video.mp4


The Earth Day

World Oceans Day

Sava Dobroplodny Secondary School, Bulgaria

World Oceans Day

Forests and climate change

Sava Dobroplodny Secondaty School, Bulgaria

Students from Bulgarian school took part in the national campaign under the title "Forests and climate change"

Sava Dobroplodny Secondary School

Campaigh " Let's clean Bulgaria for a day"


Sava Dobroplodny Secondary School


Eco festival organised by the Regional Inspectorate of Ministry of Environment and Water in Bulgaria

Students have taken part in the collecting rubish separetely as well as learned about the ways human beings ibfluence the environment

Sava Dobroplodny Secondary School


A lesson decicated to the Earth Day

With an educational lesson for the ninth-graders from the "Sava Dobroplodni" secondary school, the initiatives of Ministry of Environment and water (Regional Inspectorate, Shumen) on the occasion of Earth Day were launched. An expert from the regional inspectorate gave a presentation on the topic "Ecological balance of the Earth" to the students of 9.A and 9.B classes. The presentation provoked a discussion among the students related to the factors of the environment, the reasons for the disturbance of the ecological balance and the preventive measures that humanity must take to preserve and optimize the ecosystems. After the lesson, the ninth graders, together with their teachers, planted several conifers in the school yard.

Sava Dobroplodny Secondary School


Conference on environmental protection organised by Regional Inspectorate of Ministry of Environment and Water in Bulgaria