Please check back often as we always have something going on that you can participate in.

Feast your eyes on projects we have done here

Leafy Friends

In partnership with individuals who can raise seedlings, Gorgeous plants from Paradise on Picnic, soil from Nicasio Compost and Marin Ace, we offer fruit, veg and flower plants to individuals and communities each spring. Tomatoes and strawberries esp!

Leafy Friends 2021! and Tale of the 2020 Gardening program

Flower Fairies - could you gift homegrown or store bought flowers/ plants. One off or several times. email:

Spring Surprise - around Easter we bring vases of daffodils, painted stones and candies to seniors esp those who are alone.

To participate, donate or suggest recipients .Email

Spring Clean for Seniors

Put yourself in this position. Cleaning/organizing was the most requested thing we were asked for that we didn't do, so we started a gofundme.

We now employ low income local individuals and companies to clean or organize for people who are not able bodied enough to keep their home clean and tidy, don't have family support and don't qualify for any county service that would help with those things.

Gofundme:Sponsor a Spring Clean for a Senior


It's Hot Out There

Various initiatives to help agencies who help our neighbors who are currently homeless in Marin. We ask what they most need for their clients but can't get or afford. And we ask what would most appreciated to offer comfort, community love and even fun. Work intensifies in Oct, Nov, Dec as we gather thermal sleeping bags etc and support holiday gatherings and events.

See details here

Contribute to gofundme's It's Cold Out there which fundraises to make it all possible.

Ladybug Appreciation Stones

  • Original project - 4,000 stones painted and delivered as morale booster for our grocery frontliners

  • NOW Fairy Spotting - stones given to community helpers and those in need of a wee boost. We need to you PAINT and NOMINATE

THANK YOU -Marin Color, A &S Landscape, San Rafael and Landscape Materials Marin, Novato for donating resources to make this possible.

Fairy Feasts

Few things reduce people to tears more quickly in Fairyland than ...

'Would you like a visit from 'The Emergency Chicken' or the the Pizza or Lasagna Fairy?'

"Could we pop in with a homemade meal'?

"I've got a surprise for you ...a voucher for dinner for two or a Grub Hub voucher is on its way ...

Sometimes seniors are especially touched when folks can offer a meal linked to their culture or a childhood memory.

Frankly one of the best things you can do is just donate money so we can make these offers - often with little notice for folks in times of crisis. Or you could offer to make or buy and deliver for us. Or provide us with restaurant order out or dine in vouchers or Grub Hub or Door Dash vouchers.

The tough day a single mom and teenager have to move in with another family, turning their sitting room into a bedroom. They get to say thank you with pizza.

The senior overwhelmed with grief on the anniversary of her husband's passing.

The low income household marking a special day


Honor Roll

These local businesses have gifted meals. Please consider

The Lodge, Fairfax - our partner in the original Friday Fairy Feasts program which discounted and gifted literally hundreds of meals in 2019.

Osteria Divino , Sausalito - also our partner for The Great Plates Program.

La Toscana

Lasagna Today - Venmo @lasagnatoday to sponsor a lasagna

"Find It" Fairies

Online - could you help search online for affordable or free products to fulfill a need?

In Store - could you call round or visit stores and thrift shops to source items?

Shopping online - could you help someone learn how to shop online and find things for themselves? Or could you support someone without internet access or expertise and get groceries/items sent to them? Instacart members and Amazon prime members can have items sent anywhere. NB: you are not expected to cover the cost

Santa Clause shopping - this is where we do a grocery shop online or in person for someone, paid for by an individual fairy or with out donation money.

Operation Fluffy Socks

Partnering with people in assisted living/hospital who don't have friends or family visiting them/supporting them.

  • Personal items- picking up belonging from home for them

  • Purchasing things they need or miss - an emery board, a cosy dressing gown, wordsearch books

  • Escape Day - bring them home in style, flowers, balloons, groceries, freshly made bed at home ...

  • Surprises! A new pair of fluffy socks a bunch of flowers...

  • Scrabble fairies - visit and play a board game


Operation Pixie Dust

People/families we can contact ( often at short notice) to help on projects/events.

Examples of these are in our Fairytales and include things like helping mark a 60th wedding anniversary, providing volunteers to hand out warm clothes to folks currently homeless, joining in to create and deliver seasonal gifts to seniors, carving 36 pumpkins and delivering them illuminated at night to folks with learning disabilities.

It enables us to make magic happen and saves us a lot of time when folks say - ' run it by me....I'll help if I can'.

Lets us know at