Leafy Friends 2021

In partnership with the gardening fairies of Paradise on Picnic ,

Offering a leafy friend or two to individuals and groups who may benefit from the joy and wonder and tasty outcome of gardening but for whom plants are either not accessible or affordable ..or hadn't occurred to them. In addition to various veg, herb and fruit friends we are delighted to offer unusual varieties of many plants and we have acquired some VERY groovy special bags for growing potatoes this year and have launched a potato challenge.

Our team and sponsors. Thank you ...

  • Az and Sean from Paradise on Picnic , San Rafael's donated hundreds of plants, their passion for seed diversity provided us with rare/unusual varieties.

  • Sleepy Hollow Home Owners Association and Good Fairy Tim donated and raising seedings and Good fairy Sheri also donated several gorgeous plants.

  • Nancy and team at West Marin Compost donated a cubic yard of compost, and Chipper Tom delivered it. Michelle and team at Marin Ace ( Merrydale Rd) donated 25 additional bags of compost.

  • Good Fairies Matt, Davis, Tiger and Michelle have potted and delivered many plants - let us know if you can help.

Recipients include...

  • Here are some organizations we are donating too, many of whom have accepted our potato challenge. As you can see, these are not all seniors, we also support single parents, people with disabilities, folks currently homeless and other low income or mobility compromised neighbors, and folks in need of a wee boost.

      • Marin Center for Independent Living

      • The Good Fairy Community

      • Tay Space, Side by Side

      • Gilead House

      • Section 8 Housing community garden, Kentfield

      • Marin Community Fridges

      • The Cedars

      • Victory Village, Fairfax

      • The Avenues, San Francisco

      • Smith Ranch Transitional Care, San Rafael

      • People with Disabilities Succeeding

Fun for individuals

Tomatoes and potatoes at Ritter House

The Cedars and People With Disabilities Succeeding love their plants

Community gardens

Deanna and friends stocking the Renegade Garden!! At Victory Village

A fun suprise for this lovely family at the Medway Marin Community Fridge

David 'Smiley' and veg for this Section 8 Housing community

Smith Ranch Transitional Care got a plant with four red ones on it already. Yes you can only see three. I ate one.

We also supplied this watering can...with a little decoration

Our potato bags with special flap ..see them growing and eat a few at a time.

Az and Sean - the Paradise on Picnic gardening fairies. Sean also made several grow boxes, some designed esp for people with disabilities

Marin Ace ...really is ACE