These one-off events often require high levels of creativity, energy and teamwork...they are always fun.

Join the special events team - email team@goodfairy.org


  • It's Cold Out There - events distributing supplies to folks currently homeless

  • Popcorn and cranberries - remembering Pauline - we will need groups to make garlands of popcorn and cranberries- timing tba

  • Sugarplum - festive season cookies

  • Get Ready Marin - disaster preparedness quiz and give away - timing tba

  • Secret Sauce - condiments and combinations - a taste odyssey for all budgets and diets - booklet and giveaway - timing tba

Please email team@goodfairy.org to help with any of these or suggest events we might support


We often write up Good Fairy deeds as Real Life Fairy Tales. Feast your eyes upon these beauties

MLK, Jr. Academy Graduation 2021


Good Fairy was honored to support the children and staff of this fantastic middle school on their graduation day for the second year running.

This is sheer magic.

Thank you to all the drivers who brought their cars and gave their time so generously to create this spectacular convoy.

And we are just indebted to Good Fairy Paul Stonehouse who took absolutely stunning pictures of the students and captured the day completely free of charge.

The parade video was put together by our one and only Jeff. Following the Good Fairy version which focuses on our role to support the day, he has compiled a longer one as a keepsake for the students. The school invited drivers to join them for refreshments afterwards.

Same time next year?

MLK, Jr. Academy Graduation 2020

Good Fairies Rachel and Penny met Principal David Finnane at Bayside Martin Luther King, Jr. Academy in Marin City.

Rachel tackled unraveling ribbons from 100 black and gold balloons while David and Penny sat down with a list of nearly 30 convertible cars and a list of 13 graduates and many staff. Each car had been offered to this team from people all over Marin...we decided to believe in fairies and assumed they would all turn up and allocated people to cars. It was a tight fit even with all the cars.

Rachel and Penny distributed the balloons over a one-mile parade route and eyed the eerily-quiet road a little nervously...and then…as if by magic, a long line of cars rolled in! It was an extraordinary experience.

So many people went the extra mile to help make this a memorable day for the graduates and their community.

Check out the event video here!

Sugarplum Events

Seasonal treats

It's Cold Out There

Event for unsheltered folks