Sacrifice 18/06/22

*Sacrifice reveals our sacredness:*

The common thread that flows through the entire Ramayan is sacrifice. A son's sacrifice for his father, a wife's sacrifice for his husband, a brother's sacrifice for his big brother...

Around myself, how can I forget my maa, dad & my sister, my friends, devotee's who showed me the taste of sacrifice and how it presents love upon others. 

This is actually the best way to love everyone and also God at the same time. It helps to realise the true self more.

''I helped a man climb a mountain and found that I too had reached the top." says a wise man. The writer mentions the sacrifice in mode of goodness, not out of passion or ignorance.

This is like the one+one offer where you perform sacrifices for others & then you love them, you feel happy, you get loved by them & they will be happy. Anyway the motive of sacrifice is a selfless service attitude. I feel happy even now when i sacrifice a few (writer's mind says many. So ignore him) things for serving my society through Gita4youth.

It helps to transcend the lower degrading tastes

Inspired by the writer's sacrifice ✍️
Team gita4youth, Prasanth 18/6/22