Pleasing Poisonous Pleasure

Pain for the body gives  Pleasure to the heart,
Pleasure for the body gives Pain to the heart.

It's said "paropakara ardam idam shariram"

Our life is meant to serve others. This helps internally to revive the pure consciousness and externally to create conducive environment for others to develop the same attitude.

Now we all might have heard  of the words Sinful and Pious. But they are not just some ritualistic or uncivilized cultural labeling. An activity can be called sinful if it hurts or harms others. If the same pleases others it's called Pious act (Punya). That's it.

Now this punya is what we need to do, that my be painful for us mentally and physically. We being selfish, need to work a bit hard to do selfless acts like serving others. 

You may ask what is there in giving theres just loss. In talking we have so much gain. But the life is not a profit seeking business. Many prominent philosphers already stated that the position of giver is always higher that the receiver. And the giver is more happy than the receiver. 

When you love others when you serve others, then the happiness you get is not depended on others response. It's just the service attitude that makes you happy and motivated. That is why the pain to the body/mind while serving others is the pleasure to the heart.

And the sinful (papa) activities may look like nectar at the beginning, but doing pleasing (sensual) activities is just like a slow poison. It degrades your consciousness. It's said that when one wants to neglect the reality of life they delude/distract themself with such so called pleasures. That causes pain in the heart. The reason for our current dissatisfaction in life.

I would like to mention the ancient verse which says "paropakara ardam idam shariram". This service attitude will bring bliss in life. The writer is always eager to serve you all who are reading these articles. Do share your feedback so that I can serve you in the best way.

Inspired by mridanga ✌️

Team Gita4youth, Prasanth 03/07/22