Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 & 2 Summary

Bhagavad Gita is a part of Mahabharat - written by Ganesh ji and Narrated by Vyas dev.


Dhritarashtra is inquiring from Sanjaya about what is happening in Kurukshetra where Arjuna is discussing with Krishna.


Sanjaya narrates...


Duryodhana went to Dronacharya to point out the great warriors in both parties.


Bhishma blew conchshell; Krishna Arjuna also blew their conchshells.


Sanjaya continues...


Arjuna's chariot is brought to the middle of two armies by Krishna as per Arjuna's request.


Arjuna looks at them and expresses that " My body is quivering, voice is choking, my weapons are slipping my hands. I don't see any good in this war. I don't want kingdom, this is sinful. I won't fight."


Chapter 2:


Arjuna submits to Krishna saying that he's confused about his duty. (2.7)


Lesson: We must require Guru. Our confusion happens because of overthinking. To resolve it we need clarity of thought, for that we need to read Bhagavad Gita.


Krishna starts...


You are speaking like learned person, but you are crying for temporary, small & petty things.


This body is temporary, soul is permanent. We are that spirit soul.


Arjun, do your duty, don't just avoid duty by any excuses like they are my relatives.


Great learned people understood - soul is permanent, body is temporary. Why run for body ? This soul is eternal, bliss, it cannot be cut, killed. Why fear of such soul.


If you win, you'll get kingdom, else heaven. There's nothing loss. Why not fight.


Explanation: Krishna is trying to take us out of this bodily platform. We aren't Hindus, Muslims, humans, animals, we are spirit soul.


Even after hearing about Soul science, we are still not able to understand it the philosophy.


Krishna explains the practicality of soul...


You should perform your duty on spiritual platform. Work without wondering about the results - dutiful detachment.


People think too much. Just focus on one thing at once. You came to fight, just fight.


Explanation: We are confused, because we read too many books, subscribe too many channels. One must focus and follow one thing.


Because we have too many desires, we get away from our duties, away from our focus.


Explanation: Many students aren't able to focus, because their interest is somewhere else like gf,bf, games..


Hey Arjuna, come out of three gunas, dualities, give up anxieties of gain and safety.


Explanation: Karma > Karma Kanda  > Karma Yoga (order). Karma & Karma Kanda are useless. Karma Yoga is useful, as it connects us with Krishna.


You must perform your duty and that too in Yoga. And you should act with intelligence - Smart Work.


Fix your intelligence & perform activities.


Arjuna asks " who is a person with fixed intelligence - stita pragna ??"


Krishna answers...


These people give up all those desires which comes in their mind. They just perform their activites in service to krishna, in Yoga process.


These people in miseries & joy remain undisturbed. Hey Arjun you also become stitaprajna.


These people just focus on higher taste in yoga and automatically the lower taste in material desires is gone.


Just control your senses, control your mind. Else it will pull you here and there.


Problem: Cycle of destruction: Contemplation > Desire to have it > Greed to have more > Anger if nee don't get it > Anger > intelligence is lost > doomed in life


Solution: Just focus in spiritual platform, Yoga. Then you'll remain undisturbed. Just like the ocean is unaffected by rivers entering into it.