Permission for using GFTE resources

GFTE believes in sharing knowledge with everyone with respect and dignity


Directions on Usage of Contents of GFTE


1. When using publications, contents, or documents by GFTE (e.g., manual, guidebook, etc.), Please clarify the source (GFTE) and site (where you downloaded the data such as the the GFTE website, etc.).


2. (Translation) When GFTE material is translated: Must obtain prior permission from GFTE. Please send us the request that contains;

-          The title of the material to be translated

-          Brief information(e.g. CV) of the translator

-          The purpose of translation

-          The type of end outcome of the translation (e.g., online resource, printed booklet, video, etc.)


3. (Logo) Utilization of the GFTE logo without permission is restricted. Please e-mail for written authorization within approved use, scope, and duration.