Global Membership

Become a member today!

GFTE is the voice of the teaching and research community of more than free 80,000 scholars and 1000 institutions. 

As an international voice we seek to improve the teachers' and researchers' experience by supporting a culture of inclusive connection. We focus on advocacy, resource development, and an unwavering commitment to improving diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Being a member means commitment: towards yourself, towards the other members and towards our vision and objectives. That means participating, sharing and contributing. Members who put something into the network are the ones who get the most out of their involvement.

GFTE is the first global network of teacher educators, working to promote human rights values through education. We thank all who have shown interest in becoming part of this global community. We want to ensure that GFTE addresses the inequities in education, bringing together communities, policy makers, NGOS, and foundations to work together to achieve our shared goals.

GFTE offers free membership to only a few selective dedicated and genuine individuals each year. The membership expects individuals to perform social activities in a year like teaching a girl child, spending quality time with people belonging to the marginalized community, or helping their community in any capacity under the banner of GFTE. Upon completion of social tasks, members are expected to send us documentary evidence of social activities. In return, we renew a certificate of membership. For new members, evidence of previous participation in our webinars and online conferences could work. There is no cost to avail exclusive membership. We only need trust, good-will, punctuality, active participation, and willingness to serve the global community. 

Each exclusive member will be added to the Hall of Fame for Life Time (condition applies). Membership status can also be verified under the Hall of Fame and can be revoked any time if the rules are being violated.

Our prestigious membership with golden seal will leverage your exposure to the field.

As a GFTE member, you are an ambassador for both the GFTE and your home country, and your actions and communication will have an impact on the reputation of both. You are therefore expected to adhere to high standards of conduct and behavior and to show respect to others and your surroundings at all times, as outlined in our policy.

It is only by working together, on a global basis, that we will achieve the GFTE vision where, in every country, more people from disadvantaged majority populations are able to benefit from participation in sharing human rights values.

Why should you become a member? 

You can add membership to your CV for professional growth

Meeting, interacting and networking with international community from diverse backgrounds 

Chances to present, shape and discover innovative topics 

Continuous learning opportunities through interdisciplinary contacts

Participation indirectly in social cause activities

Represent GFTE


Global Membership (open all year round):  Please fill the form to get details how to pay the membership fee and receive your e-certificate

Yearly: $15 (Starting from July 2023)

Life Time Members (free)- To be nominated by the Director, GFTE (You can apply by yourself only if you have atleast 200 GFTE webinars or events certificates)

Exclusive Members (free)- To be nominated by the GFTE Team (You can apply by yourself only if you have atleast 50 GFTE webinars or events certificates)