Free Certificate Course on Socioecoethical model of Human Rights Education

Dr. Munir Moosa pioneered socioecoethical model of human rights education. This course was derived from his model to spread basic knowledge about human rights education. Launched in June 2023, more than 10,000 people from across 75 countries have so far completed this course LIVE and around 4000 people have completed this free certificate based course offline.

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Fellowship Contestants

GLIMPSES OF FEEDBACK (The views expressed by the participants are their own and not of GFTE)

I thoroughly enjoyed the course on human rights for several reasons. Firstly, it provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental principles and concepts related to human rights. The course delved into various aspects, including the historical development of human rights, international legal frameworks, and the challenges and contemporary issues faced in promoting and protecting human rights worldwide. This broad coverage allowed me to develop a well-rounded understanding of the subject matter. Secondly, the course was structured in a way that encouraged critical thinking and analysis. It stimulated engaging discussions and debates on complex topics, enabling me to explore different perspectives and develop my own opinions. The interactive nature of the course, through group discussions and case studies, fostered a deeper understanding of the real-world application of human rights principles. Furthermore, the course highlighted the interconnectedness between human rights and other fields, such as social justice, gender equality, and sustainable development. This interdisciplinary approach enhanced my knowledge and enabled me to make connections between human rights issues and their broader societal implications. The course also provided practical insights into human rights advocacy and activism. Through guest lectures from practitioners and organizations working in the field, I gained valuable insights into the practical challenges faced in promoting and defending human rights. This exposure helped me develop a sense of empathy and commitment towards the cause, inspiring me to actively engage in human rights-related initiatives. Lastly, the course was taught by experienced and passionate instructors who were well-versed in the subject matter. Their expertise and dedication to fostering a supportive learning environment greatly enhanced my learning experience. Their guidance and encouragement motivated me to delve deeper into the subject matter and explore avenues for further research and engagement. In conclusion, the course on human rights left a lasting impact on me. It equipped me with a solid foundation of knowledge, nurtured critical thinking skills, and inspired me to contribute towards the promotion and protection of human rights in society. I am grateful for the opportunity to have taken this course and would highly recommend it to anyone interested in understanding and advocating for human rights Nona Rotariu  Romania

I will retell my students all what I learnt here .When I get the presentation I can read,translate and discuss about diversity, ethic, green ecology, negotiation....It will be very useful to listen to their opinio to different topics,because in that way we will have better world, to understand each other better, to respect the diversity among look, religion, culture,habits, education Aleksandra Lukovic, Serbia

Will apply in teaching integrate through different pedagogical, I like it's contextual nature of society & culture. Apply in teacher education programs, aware and will conduct study that how HRE can apply in teacher education and what are the gaps in educational policies etc. Being a teacher Educator will not only teac as part of curriculum Zainab, Pakistan

It is very important for us to participate to such courses. I saved some important informations to present to my children. They will be very pleased because we are very interested in this topic here in Romania. I will use some of the elements from the model you proposed ISTRATE DIANA , Romania.

I'm glad that this model is helping to enrich students with empathy, resilience, diversity respectance and sense of responsability. Thank you for the opportunity to attend this presentation Anastasia Kachurina, Montenegro

I will apply this model in my trainings for youngsters and during the classes as I'm teacher in a highschool . Otherwise we deliver trainings courses in the field of human rights and civic education through a nongovernamental association using nonformal methods. I found this session very interesting Camelia Neagoe, Romania

I wil apply this model in a class of civic education, where we can talk about the people' s rights, famous people' life , what they did for humanity. There are also subjects like history, science where we can talk about this RUSU CĂTĂLINA,  Romania.

It Is very nicely presented and has multiple connections to our subjects, we can use this in ecology , biology, literature and human rights activities. In our reading activities we can approach this sort of activity , we can create an exhibition about human rights and include this activities in our common activities for voluntary actions in partnership with children with deficiencies PETCU MIHAELA, Romania

The model is excellent and very applicable in practice. The main idea of ​​the program itself is something that we all have to work on together as professors, but also as people. In teaching, it is applicable regardless of the subject being taught. There are many possibilities of its application as it covers a really wide spectrum. What is important in the whole idea is that there is an opportunity to exchange ideas, practices among teachers all over the world Adrijana Sarić, Serbia 

I like the multiculturalism of the model, the opening to all people, the elimination of barriers, the ethics on which the model is based, the empathy. I like that the material was accessible, well presented, easy to implement and inspirational. I am aware that I can help the people around me Ardelean Aurelia Liana, Romania.

The model seems to have a strong emphasis on promoting human rights values, ethical leadership, and sustainability, as well as addressing social issues such as violence, intolerance, radicalization, and climate change Chouliara Theodora, Greece.

I conduct Civic Education in Croatia, in primary school. Civic Education is not implemented by all schools in Croatia. I will apply this model in my teaching. The youngest students can organize actions (at school or local level) and learn that they are responsible for changes. I also want to introduce as many colleagues as possible to the model, encourage them and help them to be encouraged in working with the GFTE model Ivana Smolčić Padjen, Croatia

Your model is impressive and wonderful because it is based on respect for human rights regardless of color, origin or country. I will focus more on this model to show that gender has no difference. In small countries such as Albania, women are the ones who are discriminated against the most, so I want to use your model as a truth for women to be more strong and more powerful because it is our right to be equal. The idea of ​​human rights must be embedded in the minds of children because children are the ones who bring changes and despite the fact that I do not work as a teacher at the moment, I am predisposed to be a mother and I want to use this model in my children to familiarize them those with these concepts Xhesika Hasa, Albania

When I think to this model I have in my mind words as: respect for diversity, empathy, resilience, sense of responsibility, tolerance and love for every child, every human. Ethical thinking is very important for me, when i teach my pupils and the multiculturalism too. In my class I offer examples of situation when people need to be empathic with other. Sometimes we make small pieces of theatre with different situation from real life. Children learn a lot from our examples or from their colleagues. They learn to be empathic, tolerant with other, just with our help and community involved. We just need to try to make a healthy education for our children, for all Dragut Silvia Madalina, Romania

I liked the diversity of human rights. This model takes a comprehensive view of human rights education, rocognizung that social, economical and ethical dimensions are intertwined and Influence one another.I will organize workshops and debates with my students about human rights. The students are very interested about this subject. I will encourage students to explore various disciplines such as sociology, economics, philosophy, to gain a comprehensive understanding of human rights issues. I will provide case studies and real life examples that ilustrate the interplay between social, ecinomic and ethical factors Nica Alina Maria, Romania

As a Civic education teacher, I teach knowledge, skills and values of Human Rights. Civic education is not implemented in all schools in my country, nor in many countries, but I think it should be because it encourages critical thinking, reduces violence and increases tolerance. I am proud to say that students are sensitive to social injustice. By teaching students who do not know the Croatian language and come from different countries and cultures, my students and I have the opportunity to learn about multiculturalism, respect and empathy for others- Croatia

I found Dr. Munir's Model quite interesting and informative. He has wonderfully explained the concept of Socioethical by linking it to human rights. Additionally, he has also given examples as to how this model can be applicable in our work context. The comprehensive model shows the hard work put in. Keep up the good job, Dr. Munir

What I liked about Dr. Munir s Socioecoethical model of human rights education is that it is a very complex model, it is a result of a very thorough research during more years and has the only meaning to emprouve our skils to teach about human rights. I will use it to teach my students to be tolerant, to learn how to be more involved in comunity. Romania

Thank you very much for the opportunity you gave me to be able to participate in the course so well organized and presented. Congratulations to Mr. Munir and the entire team participating in the Global Forum for Teacher Educators. I will pass on to the school where I work every day, everything I learned after participating in this course. Congratulations once again. Romania

As always GFTE,is the best,because all this sessions are very helpful. This training was valuable to me because it helps me to work harder for the promotion and protection of human rights, especially of children.I will develop as many activities as possible about human rights, awareness campaigns in the community. Thank you GFTE! Thank you Dr.Munir! - Albania

I liked all the essential competences that this course pursues. I will take them into account in my teaching. Critical thinking, rationally-based decision making, situation analysis, digital literacy, counselling skills, peace leadership, well-being, social and voluntary skills, peacebuilding and many others. Thank you for this oportunity! Romania

Is always the best GFTE because they offer the best training sesions. This for humas rights was so much helpfull and valu. This can help me to be a beter teacher and to teach too my kids the value of the human rights. Thank you so much Dr Munir Moosa. This can help me to show to my kids that the human rights are very important Albania

This model is very interesting and I think it would be better to do with my children. My children are from different ethnicity and they must know and to respect this rights. Dr. Munir Moosa teach me how to teach the class about the human rights. I'm very respectful from this. In my school is very important to respect this rights. I'll participate at the next webinar Romania

I will transfer this information on my classes. All that were relateted on this course is very important to all of us. I think all of us need to focuse on this aspect and constient of this aspect, lear other people and our childreen about the importance of these principes . This need to get to all the people on the planet nomether were they live or stay Romania

This model is perfect for me and is the everything i need in my teaching. I think that my students will improve after i start implementing it. In this seminar i learned a lot and i love the way this seminar was prepared. I will deffinitly implement this model in my teaching. This model is perfect for me and is the everything i need in my teachin Albania

It was a valuable experience, I learned new skills for my teaching practices and got advices how to promote human rights education in my community. This model provides me with the necessary knowledge for mny teaching. I am thankful GFTE for this oportunity. This course gave me some new view in my professional career Croatia

I liked the local and global approach which sees human rights placed in a broader context in which politics, the well-being of individuals and the whole planet are closely linked. I also believe that the importance attributed to school and education, which are the basis of the formation of the person, is fundamental Italy

The model is very applicable in teaching, regardless of the subject being taught. It can also be used in everyday life through various activities. Thank you GFTE for this exceptional session and the opportunity to apply it in our teaching practice. It is always a great pleasure to attend seminars and trainings led by dr. Munir Musa Serbia

It is interesting and sounds so informative. and can be provide an opportunity to enter in a new forn of learning. the timeline is so amazing that provided the whole journey that is quite important for anyone to start a new way to get the learning as well transform ourselves in a more positive way and style Pakistan

I liked everything and I will apply it in my schools and kindergartens. Children deserve everything and anything that is good for them.I will respect and appreciate all children.Children like to be requested and involved in social activities.Copiilor le place sa fie solicitati si implicati in activitati sociale.Activitatile de donatie la grupele de copii defavorizate. Romania

The model is need of time. Yes I would like to this model to explore prospective teachers knowledge skills and do some more research by using this model. This model is seem more practical for sustainable development. Currently we are working for sustainable development in Pakistan through teachers education. If we want to achieve sustainable development till 2030 we need to work on human education. We need to work on gender equity. This model give me another vision to work and add dimensions in my teaching Pakistan

It was clearly presented. The presentation contained intersting information.I liked the methodologies referred. Especially for preschoolers some tequniques are great. I will definetely use them.The phases of teaching were interesting and helpful too. It was interseting course! Thank you for the chance to attend it Greece

I liked the presented model because it has the human in center, the human rights are universal. I will promote the values presented by you. God bless you Romania

I liked the different phases of the Munir's Socioecoethical model of human rights education by Dr. Munir Moosa Sadruddin on creating awareness on Human Rights Education by Global Forum for Teachers Educators. This is an unique opportunity to educators to make a difference to the students. Thank you so much for this opportunity India

I like how human rights play a vital role in education and how can be implied in sourcing of teaching. I would like to implement pedagogy on one of the projects in the educator section. Thanks for bringing this unique topic as a course and encouraging teaching. Community. I will integrate into our local community Ireland

I am training  SDG Teachers and Sustainable Development Planners. When I develop courses or training programs for adult learners and working professionals, I shall try to apply this model and see its effectiveness. I strive to achieve this by promoting ethical leadership and instilling Human Rights values amongst my learners through tailor-made training programs, engaging professionals and volunteers in social practices, and initiating sustainable projects that benefit humanity. I also support Ecological Civilization Education to develop resilience towards climate change among learners and societies China


When I think of this model, I have in my mind words such as: respect for diversity, empathy, resilience, sense of responsibility, tolerance, and love for every child, every human. Ethical thinking is very important for me when I teach my pupils, and multiculturalism too. Manea Angelica Mihaela - Romania

It is a great model that includes three important domains: knowledge, skills, and values. I will try to apply essential competences such as critical thinking, social and voluntary skills, well-being and green education, and methodologies such as case studies, brainstorming, community work, ethnography, role play, reflective narratives, and situation analysis. Dr. Amira Ahmed Bouafsoun, Tunisia

The methods that apply to children around the world, and are suitable for all children. Also, I liked that there are themes that are attractive to children and addresses all teachers. This model is addressing the problems of ethical and ethical issues and local perspectives to global perspectives. CIOBANU CLAUDIA VERONICA, Romania

Everything was superlative. I will apply every piece of advice and every suggestion to the class with the children and I will pass on all the information to my colleagues. Thank you for the opportunity and I would be happy to be close to you again as soon as possible. Congratulations to all the participants and I wish you success in everything you undertake. Bulf, Romania

Talking about ethical, ecological, and social themes and about human rights, a very interesting model and very accessible. This model is about educational human rights. It is more interesting to apply this model. We will apply it in our university and our country, we will do some class applications. Dr. Myriam Hajaij, Tunisia

I think this model is a great model for our children and I will apply it in my class so that everyone can learn from it. These days, it is very important for the little ones to be aware of the role models they have in their lives so that they can follow you in turn. The educational model taught in the classroom is very important for students and it is up to us teachers to implement it in the classroom.


Historical facts, implementation, and combination of the three spheres of human rights education. I use it in my work. Thank you addresses all for the really helpful proposals for, the socioecoethical model. I try to use it in the same way as you are in key studying and narrative approaches. I’m excited about how you take this course. I'm a teacher of law, working with cadets. They like case studying, usually I take some cases from the Human Rights Court. Myroslava Skrynyk, Ukraine

I liked everything about all the activities of GFTE and will apply them to my teaching in my country. All lessons I've learned here will be shared with my other colleagues and friends in our school. I will always look forward to joining the activities of GFTE. I will also tell my other friends to join this group. Fercy D. Mariano, Philippines

I liked how Dr. Munir explained the entire model. Since I am a Teacher Trainer and I usually come across teachers and educators from various backgrounds, this model will help me approach and create awareness about the importance of Human Rights Education and the reasons it should be implemented during training sessions. Sabina Victor, Pakistan

I really liked the eye-opening lecture about Human Rights Education. I appreciate how Dr. Munir patiently shed light on all aspects of Human Rights Education, from definitions to the timeline of its development, and above all its significance in fostering empathy and global awareness. I will definitely employ all this invaluable information in my tutoring sessions. Zineb Duali, Morocco

The model engages citizens and encompasses social, ecological, and ethical areas. It utilizes grounded theory and also considers attitudes and actions; we cannot say people have learned anything without seeing their changed actions towards human rights. Additionally, when teaching human rights, it is important to consider cultural beliefs. Teaching human rights education calls for engagement of locals and later brings the learning to a global setting. Tebogo Gabana, Botswana

I appreciated the presentation, especially the history of human rights education and the definitions of different theories. I also learned essential skills for HRE like critical thinking, situation analysis, counseling skills, negotiation, peacebuilding, and peace leadership. In one month, I will present this work in front of my work organization. Ikram Ghazi, Morocco

I liked this model since it aims to promote an understanding of human rights principles, values, and responsibilities. It often focuses on fostering critical thinking, empathy, and respect for diversity. If you could provide more information or specific aspects of Munir's model, I could try to provide some general insights on how to apply such a model in teaching human rights education. Asma Kassab, Tunisia

This model is applicable in school activities. Methodologies in HRE include case studies, brainstorming, community work, ethnography, role play, and situation analysis. It moves from local to global and then shifts towards local again. Teaching sensitive topics through contextual methodologies involves education, training, awareness raising, information practices, and activities with a view to the promotion and protection of human rights. Landea Florica, Romania

I think that the way of carrying out education from this point of view, respecting human rights, rights, and freedoms, was very interesting. In my country, it is a very useful way of applying education, since we can find people from different regions and cultures, many of them very far from the city and may suffer discrimination due to their situation of being different or speaking a native language such as Quechua or Aymara. David Ariel, Bolivia

I have learned about the importance of human rights education, how it can be implemented in formal and non-formal education, assessment of human rights education, and competencies of human rights education. This is a global topic, not specific to any single country. We have to develop critical thinking skills in our students to learn about human rights. Thank you for the valuable information. Carmen Basu, Romania

Excellent and very informative session. Teacher modeling is achieved through demonstrations and narrations. The teacher may specifically show the student how to complete an activity or narrate their actions to provide insights into the type of thought processes that go into completing different tasks and activities. Nida Iqbal, Pakistan

I appreciated that this course approached the concept of human rights education in the form of a socio-ecological model of education and above all tried to discuss the social implications of progress and the encouragement of diversity. The pattern of appropriate discussions and deep levels of reflection brought a higher level of understanding in relation to how notions of human rights are interpreted in the global era. This was the most valuable information I learned from this course. We also appreciated that the course referred to interactive learning materials such as games, videos, and publications, which provided us with essential human rights information in a fun and engaging way. These things helped me to learn more about human rights, and I am satisfied with what I got. Olar Camelia, Romania

The whole model of the socioecoethical model of Human Rights of education was great. It's a great model introduced by Dr. Munir Moosa. I will try to apply this model within my cultural boundaries and teach the importance of human rights using methods like role play, as this is the most effective way to teach students. Romesa, Pakistan

I liked it because it is based on socio-economic background. A practical strategy to promote HRE to educators, students, and anybody else who wants to spread Human Rights principles to the larger community. In the classroom, I will apply this model through a culturally responsive lens. I will definitely explore more to connect it with Culturally responsive pedagogy and cultural intelligence. Dr. Anju Gandhi, India

Yes, I am teaching Human Rights subject and the model will help to guide students about multiple factors connected to the model. This model is very simple to understand but has a deep influence. Furthermore, if you can share these slides, I can forward some part of it with the students with some examples from Pakistan. Dr. Nabeela Farah, Pakistan

I liked the linking of society, ecology, and human rights. I will definitely put to use this in my teaching on a day-to-day basis. The lessons we learned today are highly relevant to the present circumstances. With rising atrocities around us, it's highly the need of the hour. Mr. Munir has highly placed these things on a high pedestal. Uma Venkataraman, India

Relevant competencies were nicely presented in a very helpful slide that can surely assist in HR Education. Furthermore, in today's technological era, where digital literacy and environmental impact cannot be ignored, covering all necessary aspects swiftly was truly appreciable. In my teaching, I plan to continue with some of the practices I have already been following, with the addition of integrated efforts by other members of our educational setup, including my colleagues, children, and principal, to achieve fruitful results.- Ismat Mustafa, Pakistan

This model can be adopted as a teaching method and a gateway to promote a human rights approach to practitioners, learners, teachers, and different stakeholders who want to disseminate higher values to the masses. This model can bring about significant changes in a person's own beliefs and those who work with them- Sarah, Pakistan

Everything was very good. I will teach my children that they always have the right to study what they want and nobody can stop them from pursuing their ideas. They should strive to achieve their dreams in the future, so they must invest in their studies now. Thank you so much- Ivana, North Macedonia

The information was informative and useful. I will apply the information in my classroom and disseminate it with my colleagues. This model offers the opportunity for personal identity and relationships within social, cultural, and political environments. Students' personal values evolve through their experiences, rooted in their social and relational identities- Incze, Roman

Very efficient! The step-by-step procedure makes Munir's socio-ethical model of human rights education more attainable-lyssa De Vera Dela Cruz, Philippines

This one-hour course prepared me to take the lead as a socio-ecoethical human rights educator at school with confidence. I like to challenge my students with what I teach, and they are open to everything new. We need to emphasize skills development. Thank you! - DRĂGHICI EUGENIA, Romania

I learned about the socio-ecoethicalmodel of education for human rights, which is creating waves globally. This course will enable me to be a socio-ecological educator of human rights education in my school. Children's rights are comprehensively protected by a diverse set of international and regional instruments covering human rights, humanitarian law, and refugee law- Ananie, Romania

I like everything discussed. Human rights are very effective for everyone else. This will help me teach my pupils. As an educator of social science, I see an opportunity to enhance my knowledge about advocating for human rights. We must continue to teach this to everyone, remembering that we are free to make our own choices- Janine, Philippines

Excellent lecture! I am sure that I will apply everything I heard today in my work. The rights and freedoms of man and citizen are the basic criteria that reflect the role of individuals in society. The more advanced they are, the more they limit the possibility of abuses and arbitrariness by the government towards human rights and freedoms- Tanja, North Macedonia

The loveable thing was the relevant content and how it was delivered. It thoroughly clarified everything needed to be known about the topic. I am really happy to have attended this informative session. I plan to apply this model in my teaching by organizing Human Rights Awareness sessions for students and teachers- Raana Fatima, Pakistan

Very interesting! This model integrates pedagogical and sociocultural elements, which I will present to both my classmates and students in the classroom- Stana Coca, Romania

I think this model is suitable for use in teaching and everyday learning. Thank you for the opportunity to learn more about it. Teachers play a crucial role in educating future adults about respect and appreciation for diversity. I teach at a high school in a rural area, where students come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Many are discriminated against due to their ethnicity (Gypsies) and poverty. I am determined to change the mindset within this community- Cemârtan Anca-Adriana, Romania

I will apply this model in several ecological projects that I am coordinating. I appreciate this model because it offers different opportunities for interesting group and individual work, teaching about sustainability, and integrating human rights- Violeta Veljanoska, North Macedonia

Socioecoethical Model of Human Rights Education can be implemented using various approaches tailored to students' age and background, such as workshops and lectures- Dunja Draginčić-Živić, Serbia

The topic was elaborated nicely with a detailed understanding of the importance of education. I would like to apply this model in my teaching methodology to emphasize the importance of education to our maids and laborers- Shaista, Pakistan

I liked the path offered by Dr. Munir to achieve his proposed model. The presentation represents a model for me to learn more about the phases of the socioethical model of human rights. I plan to apply this in my teaching by telling students more about this subject and having discussions with them- PROFESSOR BIRSAN IOAN-DUMITRU, Romania

I like this model because it helps in teaching human rights education, which helps people in the community, society, and the country as a whole understand and value human rights. Students in senior high must learn about human rights and become advocates for them- JOY KENNETH SALA BIASONG, Philippenes

I liked the model and plan to introduce my students to Sustainable Development Goals as a Science Teacher in my classroom. It is essential to study global climate change and its effects, such as increased rain, floods, and earthquakes compared to previous years- Ambreen Salman, Pakistan

The information was presented clearly, directly, and interestingly. I learned new things about the topic, which is useful for our counseling classes at school. Students must know their rights, respect others, and demand respect. I will organize PowerPoint presentations, workshops, and quizzes and disseminate the information through my colleagues- Silvia, Romania

This model has expanded my knowledge- Mohd Maqbol Bhat, Azad Jammu and Kashmir

First of all, I want to express my great respect for your model. We learn and strive to teach in the best possible ways because it is every teacher's duty. Teachers provide descriptions, exercises, role-plays, and more. This model genuinely help in realizing the importance and role of every individual in our society. Education should strengthen all stakeholder groups and encourage them to play a role in building up society- Vusale, Azerbaijan

.I am already designing content for primary classes in Pakistan to teach interfaith harmony and peaceful co-existence. The concept of 'local-global' seems quite relevant, and I will use all.

I will apply it in my English classes, introducing lessons on Human Rights Education, aiming to support well-being, reduce violence and intolerance, and promote critical thinking.

To apply the Socioecoethical model of human rights education as a teacher, I will discuss current social, economic, and ethical issues with my students, connecting them to human rights principles. Encourage them to critical thinking and open discussions. I will integrate human rights topics into various subjects, emphasizing their interconnectedness with social, economic, and ethical aspects. I will utilize multimedia resources to showcase real-world examples of human rights violations and successes.

There are several ways to apply a model of human rights education in teaching and learning, including integrating human rights concepts into the curriculum, promoting critical thinking and reflection, encouraging active learning, collaborating with local organizations, and fostering empathy and compassion. This approach involves creating a supportive learning environment that addresses human rights issues from a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach.

This very relevant topic. Adding learning on my perspective about human right values significant for coping with diverse cultures of the learners. It is also very helpful in developing curriculum and in formulating learning materials.

To apply a human rights education model in my teaching and learning, I would start by incorporating principles of equality, respect, and inclusivity in my curriculum. Encourage open discussions about human rights issues and promote critical thinking. Use real-life examples and case studies to help students understand the importance of human rights. Foster empathy and encourage students to take action to promote and protect human rights in their communities.

I will apply in my teaching by giving them knowledge regarding Human rights and HR education, skills ,high example critical thinking, inclusion, accept diversity and multiculturalism and develop attitude which support human rights and human rights education by teaching them with the help of various teaching methodologies.

First, thank you so much GFTE. I learn a lot. I surely apply the activities and methodologies in my teaching.

I will adapt it at my subject during my French classes or developing the counseling courses with my students.

During extracurricular classes with my secondary school students because it is an important topic that any person should be aware of.

In my English classes, for high school students I will present the video material, followed by a free discussion on the topic. I will ask them to search info on Dr. Munir, on his ideas, on the HRE possible topic suggested by the video.

I will apply this model inspired by Dr. Munir Moosa in my volunteer activity with children and parents in the school community to sensitize local policymakers to solve, community problems.

With my 6-7-year-old students we will sing and draw about human rights. I will also create games on this theme with the help of digital applications.

With "Modeling", the teacher engages students by showing them how to perform a skill while describing each step with a rationale. This provides students with both a visual and verbal example of what they will be expected to do.