International Volunteer Collaborations

We have proudly collaborated on volunteer basis (FREE AT BOTH ENDS) with the following organizations for social events with the support of Volunteer Director, who has been tremendously helpful in using her networking skills 

PETA, USA  (2019-2020)- Animal Rights Awareness- PROVIDED T-SHIRTS AND CERTIFICATES

Foundation for a Drug-Free World, USA (2020)- Drug Awareness- PROVIDED T-SHIRTS, Booklets

Koala Foundation, Australia  (2020-2022)- Animal Rights Awareness- PROVIDED TATTOOS AND STICKERS

BINAE (Visually-impaired foundation)  (2020-2022)- Free Education from GFTE 

World Federation Against Drugs (2022)- Drug Awareness- GRATIS

SIMA Academy USA (2023)- Human Rights Awareness Acess Code- GRATIS

National Institute of Drug Abuse- Mental Health and Drug Awareness-GRATIS