Launching Stars

GFTE is a representative of unheard voices. We are readily available to launch talented young people. We have so far launched a few. Here are a few glimpses

Book Launch of Rizwan, Cancer Warrior

Rizwan met us during his cancer treatment back in 2019. He wished to become a writer. GFTE fulfilled his wish and launched him as a writer in the year 2020. His book THE BLINK OF MY LIFE- A SHORT NARRATIVE ON MY CANCER JOURNEY received overwhelming responses from across the world. We sent him 100 hard copies and a Sony Digital Camera as a token of love from GFTE. Thanks to one of the well-wishers who donated the camera and making his wish come true. Also gratitude to another well-wisher who bears the cost of printing books.

You can download the e-book from


Launching Lyla

Lyla wants to become a singer. We launched her on our platform in 2022. Watch her performance and shower your blessings on her!
