
Is candida an STI? - Candida albicans

Candida is a very common condition. Many people suffer from it. There are many different types of complaints and it is difficult to say whether or not you have Candida. Candida is in your body, the infection is visible at the vagina. Candida is not a STI and can not be transferred through sexual contact. Read on for more information about candida

What is Candida?

Candida is not a STD but a fungal infection. That fungal infection is caused by a yeast-like fungus. That yeast is called Candida albicans . Most people have that yeast in their bodies, mainly in the intestines, but also in other moist places, for example in the skin, mouth or vagina. In most people that yeast is in balance, with some people there is no balance. If there is no equilibrium then the yeasts will form threads. When that happens we call it a fungus. The yeasts can form threads if, for example, a certain type of antibiotics is used, with a weak immune system, or with the presence of parasites. Sometimes Candida is very persistent and always comes back to new, which can be very annoying. Number of calories in Pizza

How does Candida arise?

Everyone carries the candida yeast in his / her body. Normally that yeast is in balance, and it is used as food of bacteria. The yeast Candida can turn into a fungus, which can cause the balance in the intestines to be disrupted by the fact that there are too few bacteria that eat the yeast Candida. The balance can be disturbed by:

long-term stress situations

long-term antibiotic use (or other medication use)

frequent use of refined carbohydrates, alcohol, fast food and ready-made products.

use of the contraceptive pill

Sometimes it can also be that there is a combination of multiple causes . Infections with the Candida yeast are common in people with a weak immune system. If you have a strong immune system, your body prevents the yeast infections by detecting and killing the yeasts.


There are many different symptoms of Candida (more than 50!). Not all symptoms need to be present to cause a Candida infection. Most people who have Candida suffer from multiple symptoms. The first symptoms are usually bloating, flatulence, abdominal cramps and itching (eg anus). In and later stage the Candida can pass through the protective mucous layer in the intestines and end up in the blood.

Some possible complaints:

gastrointestinal complaints


menstrual disturbances

white flood

bad breath


thrush (white attack in the mouth)

fungal nails

athlete's foot

swimmers eczema


Itching (anal, vaginal, skin)


What can you do against Candida?

You can solve Candida by going to the doctor. The doctor can give you a fungicide. The fungi were killed after a few days. You can also solve it in a natural way. You have to see it as a kind of diet. An example: eurodiabesitydotorg

Avoid using the following foods:

products with added refined sugars and yeast

alcoholic beverages


chocolate and liquorice

cow's milk

Good foods are:

full grain products (unpolished rice, wholemeal bread and other wholemeal products)

fresh vegetables (a lot of raw vegetables)

nuts and legumes (no peanuts)

Herbal teas

lactic acid products (yogurt, biogarde, organic buttermilk)

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