Dropzone/Fleet Commander

I've been playing miniature war games for over fifteen years and I can honestly say, Dropzone Commander has been the best of them by a wide margin. Dropfleet Commander isn't as good, but deserves high praise as well!

UCM Army

Once refugees, freebooters, and frontier laborers, the United Colonies of Mankind are now re-forged into a sword plunged deep into the heart of the Scourge. Ad Vindicatum!

Scourge Army

Parasitic dominators, defilers, and despoilers... the Scourge are the apex predator of the galaxy, and they have the ships to prove it.

Survivors of the Scourge occupation of the Cradle worlds for well over a century, the Resistance combine rag-tag can-do attitude with some surprisingly advanced pre-war gear.

Largely survivors from the battle of Vega, the scrappy remnants of mankind's first true battle fleets have returned to revenge themselves upon the Scourge!

PHR Army