
Action Editor

The Action Editor lets you set up more advanced buttons without coding. For example, you could make a button that, when clicked, scales up or down another asset, or triggers an animation on a 3D model, or modify other asset properties. It is still early days for our Action Editor, expect more here in the months ahead.

Check out the information provided by FrameVR here: 


FrameScripts is a growing feature. FrameScripts are a way for users to create custom interactivity and content inside their Frame through a scripting interface.  FrameScript is intended to look and feel like JavaScript but they are very different.  Many JavaScript language features are not supported. For example, currently there is no class support. 

Check out the information provided by FrameVR here:


You want to see the Action Editor in action? Did you know it can be used to Gamify your 3D world? So, check our dedicated Gamify page on this website to find examples and instructions to create your own gamified objects in FrameVR.