Work and build on your own island. It is very simple, just follow the instructions below.
Every user with an account can have three personal islands for free, with a capacity of 8 visitors per island. These are so called 'Trial' islands.  We show you how you can start using these islands, how to choose the right environment for your needs and what settings are important for using these in the classroom.

You have an account? You have 3 free islands!

Every user with an account can have three personal islands for free with a capacity of eight users per island. If you want more users on one island, check out the pricing of FrameVR.

If you haven't created an account yet, please do so at  (you might need to verify your email address after signing up, so check your email!)

With your account you can now log in at

You will see a page that will look like the one overhere -->>

How to create a Frame island

Choose your enviroment

FrameVR offers over 30 ready to use environments, so the first thing you might want to do is walk around in those.  Selecting them is very easy to do, but it is wise not to place your own objects or images in an environment before you have chosen the one that you realy want to work on. Or else it will be difficult to find these object afterwards.

Enjoy walking around!

NOTE: If you want to create your own environment, check out the information about the FRAME TILE EDITOR

First, change your editing settings

On a new island, anyone can place and edit objects, images etc.
So when you are on your newly created island you have to make sure that the rights are set propperly.  So the first thing you might want to change the editing permissions.

Check the video about Admin & Members Permissions.

Add co-workers

If you want to work with other teachers on one island, you can give them admin rights by adding their email address to the list of admins of this island.

Placing content

The next step is to place your own content like images, 3D objects, PDF presentations, audio and video files onto your island. How that is done can be found on the next page